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The battle is still going on and it doesn't seem like the end is near.

Nagato: Shoot! Fire another round!

Nagato this time sounded a bit desperate, the Japanese fleet fired again, the projectiles rained down on the enemy princess and another explosion hit the island once more, however, the result was the same, the princess was regenerating again.

Nagato: (shock) This is not possible.

Fubuki: That is not possible.

Kaga: (Surprised) She regenerates.

Tama: The enemy is unbeatable?

Kuma: (Desperate) How do you defeat an enemy like that !?

Zuikaku: (Whisper) How I envy that regeneration ability.

There was great hopelessness in the Japanese fleet once again, some were uncomfortable with this very unexpected result.

Fubuki on the other hand she looks closely at the situation she is in now, however, she saw another fleet of aircraft carriers and remembered about the admiral's report that she read.

Fubuki: It's the aircraft carrier.

Nagato: What?

Fubuki: Admiral, he in his report had written that we should first eliminate the enemy carrier force and then destroy the enemy base.

Nagato: (Ah, it's true, I had completely forgotten) Destroyer Fubuki! Go with Mogami, Yuudachi, Sendai, Jintsuu and Naka, Sink that fleet!

Fubuki: Yes!

Mogami / Yuudachi / Jintsuu / Naka / Sendai: Roger!

The designated girls broke formation and formed their fleet just as Nagato ordered.

Fubuki: I am in charge of the antiaircraft defense, you go with confidence and sink the enemy aircraft carrier.

And so they launched the attack, the Sendai-class cruisers fired their torpedoes, the fleet of abyssal destroyers upon noticing the Japanese attack, they protect the aircraft carrier sacrificing themselves to save the aircraft carrier.

Mogami: This is easy!

Mogami deploys two seaplanes, the enemy aircraft carrier was refueling and that is why it was defenseless against Mogami's attack so that abyssal aircraft carrier ate 3 bombs for dinner and sank.

(F in the chat, that aircraft carrier only wanted to eat because she was hungry)

Yuudachi: Who do I shoot first?

I1: Her.

Q2: Not to her first.

Yuudachi: Make up your mind or I'll decide! I better shoot them simultaneously!



Yuudachi fired her cannons and exterminated the two abyssal destroyers.

Nagato notices the situation that the enemy aircraft carrier in sight was sunk.

Nagato: Now yes. UTEEEEEEE!

Nagato fires her cannons on her own, one of her 41 cm projectiles hitting the princess's chest.

Nagato: Good! Direct hit!

However, the wound closed quickly leaving Nagato in shock again.

Atago: Ara, ara, it didn't work.

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