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"This shit keeps on happening! Why do they always target you?", Jongho asked as he plopped down the couch.

     They were in the second floor living room, everyone was worried and mad about the people spreading false comments about Yeosang.

"Manager Kim will be here in the afternoon. He just has to fix something in the company.", Hongjoong said as he walked to the living room.

"What's funny is that they only showed my face in the picture. I was with Jongho that time.", Yeosang said and sighed. Seonghwa comforted him, caressing his back.

"There's more than a thousand retweets already.", Yunho said as he showed his phone.

"Yeosang don't mind them ok? You know the truth, our fans are protecting you too. There's nothing to be scared of.", Wooyoung rested his head on Yeosang's shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm not scared, I just hate it that people keep on making up stories about me.", Yeosang said, his voice turning stern.

"We're helping on reporting the posts and comments. They just keep on popping up!", San whined.

"It's fine, don't waste your time on that. I'll just tell our manager everthing.", Yeosang assured them.

"Just tell me if anything bothers you ok?", Seonghwa muttered to the younger. Yeosang nodded his head and gave a soft smile.

- in the afternoon -

"It was great that you all told me once you saw the tweet.", Manager Kim barged in the first floor living room.

"Wooyoung was the first one who saw it, then he told me.", Yeosang said. Manager Kim nodded.

"That's why I took too long in the company, I told the staff to take down every tweet or post that can spread it more.", he said. The members let out a breath of relief.

"Do I have to make a statement or something?", Yeosang asked, sincerity was in his eyes.

"About that...may I have a word with you?", Manager Kim's voice turned stern. The members knew that he was serious, without a second, they all left the two alone.

"I-is something wrong?", Yeosang asked with worry.

"All I'm asking you is to be honest. I'm not mad or anything, I will understand your side of the story.", the manager assured, his presence was like of an older brother.

"What do you want to know?", Yeosang straightened up in his seat.

"Who were you with outside? And why did you go out?", the manager asked. Yeosang cleared his throat.

'Should I tell him the truth? It might add another burden to the group right? I could just say that it was a friendly trip.', Yeosang thought to himself.

"I went out with Jongho.", Yeosang stopped for awhile to check the expression of their manager. Manager Kim nodded and gestured to continue.

"W-we...uh...we went out for a friendly trip...", Yeosang stuttered and avoided the gaze.

"Then why were you two in the ice skating rink, holding hands? Feeding each other like a couple in the nightmarket where you were noticeable?", the manager was asking strictly, but it wasn't intimidating.

"It's because-", Yeosang got cut off when the question he wanted to avoid was asked.

"Are you two dating?", the manager blurted out.

     Yeosang's heart sank once he heard those words. He wanted to say yes, he wanted to tell the world that he wanted to ask Jongho out. But he couldn't, he rejected Jongho, and saying yes to the manager could really affect everyone. He had to step back from his plan, he had to think again if he was sure to ask Jongho out or if he wanted to just stay as friends.

"No. We're not.", Yeosang got to say it. His heart clenched.

"That's all I had to hear.", Manager Kim nodded.

- meanwhile -

     Jongho was sitting on the staircase. He heard the coversations of the two.

"Are you two dating?", once he heard the question, his ear perked and listened carefully.

     There was a long silence before he heard Yeosang's voice. He was expecting that there would be a twist, he hoped the Yeosang would say yes, but it was the opposite. His heart was in pain, he knew what the answer would be, but he was rejected always.

"No. We're not.", hearing those words, Jongho walked to his room, closing the door slowly for it not to be heard.

     His head fell down and tears dropped to the floor. Was it the end? Was it the signal for him to let go of these feelings lingering inside him for years? It was the first time he fell for a boy, it was the first time he fell in love. Yeosang was his first love. Even though he tried to let go in the past, he couldn't, because he always noticed every detail about the person he loved. He never wanted to let go, but every rejection pushed him further away from love.

- back to Yeosang and Manager Kim -

     Manager Kim thought that the conversation was done. He stood up and went to Yeosang, giving a pat on the back and walked to the door.

"But what if I want to ask him out and make it official with him?", Yeosang uttered the whole sentence with determination. Manager Kim stopped in his tracks, shocked that it came from Yeosang, but he wasn't shocked of the question.

- flashback -

"Hyung...I'm scared.", a voice muttered beside him.

     Manager Kim was sitting on the rooftop drink some coffee, beside him was Jongho who was also drinking an iced americano.

"Huh? I thought you weren't scared of anything.", he joked with Jongho. They both giggled.

     Yes, Manager Kim has been watching ATEEZ ever since they were KQ Fellaz. Even though he was not yet officially their manager, he was the guardian who was close to them. They became his younger brothers that he had to look after.

"No..not that. Something else.", Jongho's voice sank.

"Tell me...is there a problem?", Manager Kim put down his coffee. Jongho sighed.

"What I'm feeling right now...it's a bad thing right? I shouldn't be crushing on a member...it would be a disaster right?", Jongho said and laughed.

"It's Yeosang, isn't it?", Manager Kim said. Jongho looked at him with big eyes. He laughed at the younger's expression.

"Choi Jongho, the youth can't hide their feelings and emotions like the old times.", he continued.

"Was I that noticeable?", Jongho asked and scratched his nape.

"Those puppy eyes, the way your head rest on his shoulders. Aigoo...such a cute thing to watch.", Manager Kim teased. Jongho sneered.

"Why didn't you stop me then?", he asked. Manager Kim sighed and slouched on the bench.

"It's not my job to stop a heart that beats for a person they love. Whether they love the same sex or not.", he answered.

"But it's bad...he's going to reject me, people will think I'm a freak for liking a boy.", Jongho tried to think of scenarios.

"Jongho, it's your heart, not theirs. It's your life, not theirs.", Manager Kim assured.

"I wished that I didn't have to feel this way.", Jongho looked down and played with his straw.

"You can't stop it, but maybe time will. You haven't even tried to tell your feelings to him. You'll regret it later on.", Manager Kim sipped his coffee.

"Maybe...in the future, I do have a chance.", Jongho smiled and Manager Kim messed his hair, laughing with each other.

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