Chapter 19

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Adriana's POV

I'm sitting in the living room while Alek lectures me

"Are you listening" he asked

"Yes sir" I lie

"Really then what did I just say" he crossed his arm

"Uhm" I glitched

"That's what I thought. Stop hitting Niko! The kid is made out of glass"

"But he pushed me first. The person to swing loses. I was teaching him a life lesson. You guys should be grateful that I'm blessing him with my" my ramble ended when he pulled my ear

"I'm gonna say this one last time. Stop fighting. You don't have to swing at all of life's inconveniences. Milo could never hurt you yet here you are breaking his nose. I've had enough, when Nikolai does something tell me because If you fight him I will ground you every time. You will not hit him unless you absolutely have to. Understood"

"Da! I understand"

Once he let go of my ear I attempted to go to my room

"Where do you think you're going"

"To do my homework"

"Not until you apologize to Nikolai"

"This is bogus. He pushed me but here you go taking his side again. You always cover for him. He can't do any wrong in your eyes. I'm the always the problem. I'm supposed to be your kid not Nikolai" I yelled and ran to my room

"JJ get back here"

Aleksandr's POV:

"Fucking hell" I run my fingers through my hair

"What was that about" Dimitri asked

"I told her to apologize to Milo and she fucking flipped saying I'm playing favorites and taking his side"

"You do take his side a lot"

"You too"

"Niko is an annoying and sneaky little shit. He always does things without you realizing and Adriana will always react the loudest so you notice. He pushed her, she punched him. He deserved it" Dimitri shrugged

"She can't punch someone every time they piss her off"

"Wow, she really reminds me of a very impulsive, hot headed, sarcastic Russian mafia leader"

"Fuck off, I know she's like me. That's why I don't want her getting in trouble all the time for fighting. I remembered all the asswhoopings dad gave me. I don't wanna hit her so I gotta nip it in the bud. She either be exactly like me or worse my sister"

"She'll never be like your sister. You actually discipline her. But what you're gonna do is raise a push over"

"You're right. It's so hard raising a kid"

I walked to her room and found her doing her homework

"Hey kiddo"

She ignored me

"JJ silent treatment is disrespectful do you want to get in more trouble. I'm here to say I was wrong. Niko had it coming and it would be unfair to make you apologize"

"Sorry for yelling and storming out"

"It's okay JJ" I hugged her

"Can you sign these for school"

"What are they for"

"This is to switch from art class to Italian. This is for me to join the soccer team and this is for me to be on the gymnastics team"

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