Chapter 80

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Adriana's POV

"It's game time! Spartans on 3.


"SPARTANS" we yelled

I actually get to start which is awesome. I just hope I do good. The team decided they'll call me AJ so that the other team doesn't know I'm a girl. I don't mind the nickname

The ref just blew the whistle. Aaron throws the ball over and we start running to the other side.

30 minutes later

"Get your head out of your behind and throw complete passes Aaron" coach yelled

The cheerleaders are doing their little half time show while coach breaks clipboards

"AJ you're gonna take a hand off from Aaron since he's incapable of throwing the ball"

"Yes coach"

"Make as much distance as you can"

It's too bad we didn't have possession at the start of this quarter

The whistle blows and it's time to get back on the field

It's the 4th down and they're 40 yards from our end zone. Everyone is covering someone but me. I let their wide receiver get open. The quarter back takes the bait and passes to him. I run passed him catching the ball in the process. No one was prepared for the interception which left them stunned. That was enough time for me to run a couple yards before they started chasing me.

Their corner back was a couple yards behind me but I didn't let that fact distract me from my goal. Before I knew it both my feet were planted in the end zone.

Everyone was cheering. I threw the ball on the ground and celebrated

The Rebels did the walk of shame to the other side and we waited patiently for the ball to be thrown

"AJ try and catch this one" Marty who's co-captain told me

They punted the ball and it went a little to the left. I ran left then jumped up and caught the ball. Once I landed on the ground I started sprinting to the end zone. I had the help of my teammates to block a good number of their players. I was also able to maneuver my way through the open spaces until I was inevitable tackled

I was able to run 60 yards without being tackled

"Good job. I want you to run wide right then cut in to retrieve the ball center" Aaron told me


"Hike" he yelled and I bolted 20 yards down

The cornerback was blocking me but when Aaron threw the pass I made a break towards the center of the field. I had to extend my hand to complete the pass. My hands are too small to catch the ball with one hand so I tipped it so it spun in mid air then fell in my waiting hands. I zoomed down the field in hopes to keep the distance between me and the cornerback. He tried to push me to the ground but instead pushed me further into the end zone

The whistle blew marking the end of the 3rd quarter

I ran and collapsed on the sidelines to catch my breath while coach spoke

Before we knew it the 4th and final quarter had begun. The score was 12 - 0 and the Rebels looked like they were out for blood

10 minutes later

I intercepted the ball and ran to the 20 yard mark and there's no way they're gonna leave us any room to score. There's a minute and a half left on the clock and we're winning 18 - 0

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