Chapter 17

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Adriana's POV:

"So remember, don't cause trouble, do your work, listen to your teacher, be nice, and try to make friends" Alek told me

"I will"

"Call if you need anything and no boys"

"It's an all girls school" I giggled

"You can never be too careful" he laughed

"So are you gonna take me everyday or are you and Dimitri going to alternate"

"It depends on our schedule but I wanted to be here for your first day of 4th grade"

"I'm excited to start! But I'm nervous I won't make lots a friends. I hope the girls are nice"

"Even if they aren't you just need one good friend to get you through school"

"Yeah but life is more fun with a big group of friends"

"I mean Dimitri and I had the most fun as kids"

"Then I'll make one friend today" I smiled

"Good, this is your stop"

"Okay bye Alek" I hug him

"Have a good day at school Svetlyachok"


I grabbed my bag and walked to the door labeled 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade entrance. The door led to a big gymnasium. All of the classes were marked on the wall. Everyone was instructed to line up by their class number and if they didn't know theirs to ask a teacher. I didn't know mine do I went to ask.

"Hi, I don't know my class"

"Well lets figure out where you go" she said and pulled out a clipboard

"What's your full name"

"Adriana Jiménez" she checked for a whiled before answering

"Nope you're not in here"

"Oh try Adriana Volkov"

"Found you! You're in class 422 with Mr. Moore"

"Thank you" I smiled and walked over to my class

All the girls were in their own groups talking up a storm. I sighed and approached the nicest looking group of girls

"Hey, I like your bag" I complimented

"Thanks! You watch iCarly too"

"Yeah it's like my favorite show"

"I'm Abby" she extended her hand

"I'm Adriana"

"This is Linda, Megan, and Bernadette"

"Ew what's your bag supposed to be" someone said

"It's Spiderman and venom theme"

"That's a boy bag" she spat

"No it's for anyone who likes it" I clarified

"Wendy leave her alone" Bernadette said

"What are you her bodyguard"

"Look leave me alone if you want an injury free year. I'm not a nice person and my patience tends to wear very thin when jerks talk to me" I threaten

"Whatever aren't you the poor kid who got here on a scholarship" some girls giggled or sent me a look

"I earned my place here by taking the entrance exam but know my family isn't poor"

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