Chapter 26

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Adriana's POV:

"Remember don't wonder off and you're our kid so don't cower to anyone" Vlad told us

"Al can I go out tomorrow" Yuri asked

"Where" Gramps asked

"You're not Al"

That earned him a glare

"Sorry" he told him scared

"Where to" Alek asked

"It's a Christmas party the team is throwing. We're staying over at Thomas's place after"

"I want you home and sober by 8 am" he told him


"Can I go to parties when I'm Yuri's age" I asked

"Hell no" everyone laughed

"Then I'll sneak out" I stuck my tongue out

"We'll crash the party and embarrass the shit out of you then ground you" they threatened

"Whatever" I crossed my arms

"So Yuri you have a girlfriend" Gramps asked

"Yeah" he smiled

"I guess it's about time I give you the talk"

"Dad it's fine Al gave it to me. Plus we aren't even messing around like that. It's strictly foreplay"

"She doesn't wanna go all the way. It's okay I knew people with that issue and they ended up marrying decent looking women" Roman tried to cheer him up

"You got your mothers features it can't be help"

"Granny is gorgeous Gramps" I defended her

"Trust me I'm aware. What I mean is that Al never had this problem because he took after me. He has stronger more masculine features. While you got your mothers softer traits"

"In other words mom is a pretty woman not a pretty teenage boy" Alek told him

"That's why you look nothing alike" Niko said

"Yeah moron" I rolled my eyes

"Screw you dick"

"Wanna say that to my face duche bag" I grabbed his collar

"Enough you two" Vladilen growled and we stopped

"I'm the reason we haven't gone all the way. We met at a party and I was"

"You were what" Alek growled

"That's not relevant to this story. We were about to but when I stuck my finger in I felt she was intact"

Were they talking in code

"Oh and you freaked out and stopped" Alek asked

"No it wasn't that. Being deflowered is something someone special should do. She didn't even know my name yet. So I didn't go through. Now we're together and she's sober. Turns out she's super Christian and wants to wait til marriage"

"You cock blocked yourself" Viktor laughed

"She wasn't a Christian when she got drunk and almost slept with you" Sergei laughed

"Oh Ew that's what you're talking about" I gagged

"Dumb ass we were speaking that way so she wouldn't understand"

"Oh well I already asked so answer" Sergei shrugged

"Her friends pressured her. I'm hoping to get some tomorrow" 

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