Chapter 65

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Adriana's POV

We're back to school shopping again. Well only Dad, Dima, Niko, and I are. Yuri is out with friends and Sergei is picking up our uniforms and buying snacks for us.

We're at Target looking for backpacks while Dad and Dima are getting our notebooks and stuff

"Oooo I want this one"

I ran and grabbed a Frankenweenie backpack

"Did you hit your head" Niko asked

"No why"

"Because Aleksandr would never buy you a backpack in white. Get a different one"

"I'm gonna hold onto it just in case" I stuck my tongue at him

I continued looking until I saw a light blue book bag. I took it off the rack and saw it was a wreck it Ralph bag

 I took it off the rack and saw it was a wreck it Ralph bag

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"This is the one" I said putting back the other bag

"Since we found out bags let's look around"

"We were supposed to find them when we finished. After what happened last year, they don't want us loose in the mall"

"When did you become such a chicken" he teased

"I am not" I yelled

"Are to"

"Am not"

"Are to"

"Am no- ow" I yelped as my ear was pulled

I looked over and saw Niko in a similar predicament

"Why are you two idiots yelling in the middle of target" daddy asked

"We weren't" we both whined

"Whatever did you find your backpacks"

"Yeah I want this one" I threw my bag in the cart

"What about you Milo"

"Yeah I got this one"

"Okay well we finished shopping so you two can each get something that doesn't exceed $50"

"What if we combine do we get $100 spending limit" Niko bargained

"No I save $50" Dima laughed

"Never mind" we said and ran to the toy section

Niko went straight to the LEGO aisle and I went further back near the bikes. I've been wanting a skateboard and now I have 50 whole dollars

"Daddy this is what I want"

"That's too expensive" he shrugged

"No it's not! It's $49.99"

"But you'd need a helmet and padding"

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