Chapter 71

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Adriana's POV

I decided to skip soccer since I was committed to making the football team. I'm not sure how I'm gonna convince dad but I'll just tell him after I make the team.

We're on our way to Evan's sisters' bakery. He has 4 sisters all much older who went to pastry school.

"This is where I live" I point to the penthouse as Haruhi drives by

"That's not too far from us. We can go to the park together" Benji suggested

"If my dad let's me" I sigh

"Are you an only child"

"Technically yes, but it doesn't feel like it"

"What do you mean"

"My uncle is 18 so I've grown up close to him and my dad's best friend lives with us too. He has a son who's two years older than me"

"Wow I'd trade having four sisters for a brother any day"

"Yeah it's fun living with boys but it's nice to hang out with Haruhi. She's like my older sister"

"You hang out with the help" June laughed

"Haruhi is my friend not the help. Talk badly about her again and I'll kick your ass" I growled

"AJ no cursing! Even if it's at that spoiled little fuck" Haru spat

"Don't tell dad"

"I won't. We're here"

"Thanks gorgeous" Alan winked at her

"Ew" she teased

We went inside and sat at the only empty table

"My sisters always save this table for us"

"That's nice. So what should I get"

"The Oreo layered cake is the way to go" Alan stressed

"Then I'll try that"

"Do you want normal hot chocolate or French vanilla"

"French vanilla"

"With tons of whip cream"

"Of course" I said in a duh tone

"What about you Ry"

"I'll have the same thing accept normal hot chocolate"

"Cool I'll go tell my sister" Evan told us before walking away

"So what are you guys doing this weekend" I asked making conversation

"We're gonna go to the abandoned hospital in far rock away. It's apparently super haunted and scary. Wanna come" June offered

"That's sounds so cool! I wish I could though. Not only would my dad kill me but tomorrow is our Us day"

"Just say you're scared, pussy"

"I'm not I do wanna go but my dad wouldn't let me"

"We're lying to our parents"

"Her dad has a tracker in her tooth" Ryan told them

"No way"

"Yeah it's in case I get kidnapped or lost"

"Never mind"

"What's an Us day" Benji asks

"Since my dad works a lot, there are some months I don't see him much or at all. So his way of making it up to me is an Us day. Once a month we hang out as father and daughter. Tomorrow he's taking me to a Yankees game and I'm so excited" I beamed

Before Her Story Began Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin