Chapter 44

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Adriana's POV

I wake up in a hospital room and see Alek slumped on the chair

I have an IV in my arm and I lift my shirt to see my stitches. There's bruising around it but I don't feel any pain.

I wonder how long I've been out for

"Hey sleeping beauty, wake up" I yell but my voice comes out dry and raspy

Luckily mafia men are light sleepers

"JJ you're up! Thank God" he hugged me

"I can't be killed off that easily" I boasted

"Shut up" he rolled his eyes

"Thanks for saving me. I knew I could always count on you" I told him and he had a guilty look on his face

"I wasn't the one who operated. My dad's best friend is a surgeon as well and he took over" he explained

"But it was your resources that got him to me. I knew I could count on you. I was so scared I was gonna die. I was also stupid and reckless. Great Gramps Vlad always tells me not to let my guard down but I thought I knew better" I frown

"Baby he's gonna be glad you're okay" he massaged my scalp with his fingers

"I made sure to grab all my knives too. Well I didn't Diablo did. He's really nice" I smiled

"No boys! Especially not a Knight" he crossed his arms

"Trust me Alek I would never be into him"

"Promise" he held out his pinky

"Promise" I told him and locked pinkies

"I'm gonna tell everyone you're up so they can come down"

"Can't you call them? I don't wanna be alone" hospitals are still spooky

"Yeah I'll call"

I'm like 2 minutes they were all in my room

"Great Grandpa Vlad" I yelled seeing him

"Hi JJ how are you feeling"

"I'm not feeling anything. These painkillers are amazing"

"That's good, we were so scared" Gramps hugged me

"Psh you should've seen the other three guys. At least I lived"

"Cocky as always I see" Viktor chuckled

"You took on three adults. Good job JJ" Roman praised

"What were you doing out so late anyways" Vladelin asked

"Well, it's a secret" I said nervously

"No it's not! You snuck out and almost died. I'd like to assume you had a good reason for doing something so reckless" Gramps yelled

"You'll be mad and disappointed in me"

"JJ we won't please just tell us"

"Okay, well earlier Gramps took me to buy popsicles because the new coach was being mean to me. When we got to Key foods I ran straight to the freezer aisle. I ended up bumping into Xiomara"

"Who the fuck is that" Viktor asked

"Her bitch of a mother" Sergei answered

He's home?

"Sergei where the fuck have you been" Roman asked just as confused

"I've been neither here nor there" he shrugged

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