Chapter 108

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Haruhi's POV

"Have you started studying for finals" Vladimir asked

"It's February I have until May to do that"

"You also have a performance in May. You have your syllabus so you know what to study. Start while you're ahead" Vladelin scolded

"You guys worry too much. I won't fail or anything"


"Failure isn't the standard"

I rubbed my forehead with a pout

"You're too hard on her" Natasha told her husband

"It's fine he's unfortunately right. Cram sessions with Aleksandr are brutal. He uses a gun to tutor me"


"You have to get this. Being a doctor means someone's life is in your hands. Since you need some encouragement let's role play"

I smirked and he smacked me in the back of my head

"Not that kind of role play you pervert. I'm a patient you're a doctor. I'm gonna describe symptoms to you and you have to recommend the proper treatment. If you get it wrong I'll shoot myself with this revolver. There's only one bullet in the chamber. So I hopefully won't die"

"Are you insane?! Russian Roulette for a midterm is insane. You can't shoot yourself"

"You're right, I'll shoot Av" he shrugged



"Being a doctor is life and death"

"I'm studying optometry. I give people glasses" I exclaimed

"But did you or did you not get a 98 on your final" Aleksandr asked

"I did but it was scary" I frowned

"How's dance going"

I just shrugged

Dance has been anything but great

"Now I know something is wrong. You love dance and can talk for hours" Vladimir narrowed his eyes at me

"I don't know what you want me to say"

"The truth is a good start. Tell us what's wrong"

"I'm ready" circus freak came in to save me

"Hey! Ready to go"


"Let's go then"

She ran to the elevator and I followed

"Tonight we're gonna talk and study for midterms" Aleksandr told me

"Da Aleksandr" I groaned

12 Hours Later

I'm in the kitchen with Aleksandr and Yuri

"What are we studying this time"

"Ocular disease" I answer

"How do you wanna study"

"I made flash cards so can you test me" I told him

"Sure thing"

"You can just ask"

"I'm not gonna force you to share because that doesn't help" he shrugged


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