Chapter 104

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Nikolai's POV

I'm such an idiot! Vladimir just walked in and he's pissed. JJ is freaking out because now Aleksandr and dad know. I don't know why she's scare I'm the one who's gonna die. Aleksandr will shoot me in the dick for making a move on her.

"Dimitri get him out of my fucking sight before I fucking shoot him" Aleksandr growled and my dad dragged me out of the room by my shirt

We got to his room and he closed the door. I went to speak but he smacked me

"What the fuck is wrong with you Nikolai? Adriana is the heiress of this mafia and you're the second in command! You can't be together because it makes her look bad. She has a reputation to uphold and that involves you working under her! She's not in your league nor will she ever be"

"I'm good enough for her and I'm meant to be with her. We work together so well " I argued back

"No you aren't. Her fiancé is who she's meant to be with. You can never be anything more than her best friend! You're going to stay away from her until you get over this silly crush"

They married her off already? That's not fair! We're supposed to be together

"I love her" I whispered

"If you really love her you'll back off. Adriana has her betrothed but she'll need the support of her right hand. If you can't assist her adequately we'll find someone else to rule with her. Adriana will always have to prioritize the mafia and that means it comes before you! Don't make her weak by pushing your feelings onto her"

"How does that make her weak" I asked

"Love makes people weak in this world. She has to marry someone else for the mafia. When she's older she'll understand and accept that. If love comes from that she won't let it blind her"

"What makes him better than me"

"You're weak. Adriana became made and while we didn't plan on making you a made man you're far too sensitive to be come one anyways" he explained condescendingly

"Fuck you" he slapped me again

"You and Adriana are family stop with this fantasy. She'll never be yours"

"What if she doesn't love him"

"She already fancies him so the pieces will fall into place as she gets older"  he shrugged

"You knew I was in love with her" I sat on the ground defeated

"I thought you'd grow out of it and realize where you stood"

I know he's mad but this felt cruel

"Why the fuck are you crying" Aleksandr asked me

I couldn't help but cower under his cold gaze

"You married her off"

"Yes, but JJ will not be told until I feel she's ready" he warned

"She should be able to decide who she wants to marry" he told him

"Don't act as if you care! Your only grievance is that she isn't promised to you" he spat

"She likes me"

"She's fucking 12! She'll grow out of this silly crush. She completely forgets about you when she's around her fiancés or when he's mentioned. She'll end up falling for him on her own because that's who her heart desires. Don't kid yourself Nikolai. You know very damn well you never stood a chance" Aleksandr told me

"I hate you"

"You're gonna hate us even more after tonight" dad said

"First off turn around" dad told me grabbing a fucking belt

I complied because I knew it would be ten times worse if I argued

"Bare ass Nikolai don't try and be slick"

Once my ass was bare I was immediately whipped with his leather belt. I got hit after hit relentlessly. They went way passed 14. My ass was in so much pain.

"Shut the fuck up we're done"

I sniffled and pulled my underwear back up

"Grab each one and hold them straight out to the side" Aleksandr told me pointing at paint cans

"Hurry up Nikolai! They're barely halfway full they aren't that heavy" Al yelled at me

I did and it was honestly really freaking heavy

"When I got caught with a girl at your age my dad made me kneel on rice while holding full paint cans so fix your face and be grateful I'm not as bad as Roman" dad told me

"Since you aren't kneeling on rice you'll have to do wall sits while holding those up. Every time your arm falls well add a week to your 2 month grounding" Aleksandr told me

Two hours later

I'm now grounded for 4 months because of how many times I fell or dropped my hands

"Last thing for tonight is a very miserable conversation about the birds and the bees" Aleksandr smirked

"We're Russian dad said we didn't do that. Plus school taught me about pregnancy and sex"

"Shut up! Tonight we're going to expand on safe sex. Well more so the consequences of unsafe sex"

"I know babies" I rolled my eyes

"Interrupt me again and we'll have this conversation on the fucking wall"

"Al is talking about STD's and STI's" Dad told me

"First rule of thumb is to use a condom even for head. Second, don't fuck a girl who has worts, cold sores, or a smelly pussy. Third rule is get tested every three months after you become sexually active. If you're having a lot of sex and it's unprotected get tested more often. If your dick ever burns, you get bumps, dry skin, dick cheese, or it's discolored go to a doctor because you caught something"

"Don't let us catch you because I will kick your ass" dad added

"Now so you remember to stay safe we're gonna show you what every STD and STI looks like. Hope you have a strong stomach"

So that's why he was smirking

After a gross slide show

Turns out I don't have a strong stomach. Those pictures made me never want to have sex

The took all my electronics from my room including my phone

"Go to sleep. You'll get your phone back to go to school and you'll return it when you get home"

I ignored dad since I was still mad at him

"Good night Milo, even though you hate us we still love you" Aleksandr told me

I hate when they do that! You can't kick my ass, scold me and then say I love you! I ignored him too and they exited my room.


Favorite moment from this chapter?


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Mwah 🦠

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