Chapter 22

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Yuri's POV

It's Saturday Al and Dimitri are away on business until tomorrow afternoon. I already paid off the guard and JJ got me covered. But I am worried about Niko he can be a blabber mouth.

"What if they call and ask for you" he worried

"I got it covered Nikolai. Just keep your mouth shut" JJ told him

"Thank you JJ and Nikolai if you blab to anyone I'm gonna kick your ass" I threatened

I would really kick his ass because I'd get in a lot of trouble, but he didn't need to know that.

I trust they'll be safe with the guards since they're all female. I wouldn't put JJ or Niko in danger on purpose because they're basically my younger sibling and I love them to death. But I'm also a 16 year old guy. I'm supposed to make bad decisions

"I'm leaving now. Behave, call Al if any emergency arises, JJ protect yourself and Niko, lastly don't give the guards a hard time" I hugged them

"Bye bye Yuri have fun" they yelled

"If anything happens to them it'll be on me so please protect them because I'll feel like shit if they get hurt"

"Yes master Yuri"

I went downstairs and hopped in my friends car

"This party is fucking crazy every year" Georgi yelled

"Someone always ends up in the hospital for drinking too much and the cops are always called" Fillip added

"Not to mention it's the easiest place to get laid. I have a bunch of condoms on me. If anyone wants" Thomas said

"Are they really that easy"I asked

"Hell yeah! A bunch of Christian rich girls trying to get back at daddy. They split their legs like Moses did the Red Sea" Ian said

"I'm going to get crossed"

"I didn't take you as a smoker Yuri" fillip said

"I'm a pot head but I haven't gotten high since I moved here cause my brother threw out all my weed then smashed my bongs and bowls"

"Damn I don't think I can go a whole month sober" Thomas sighed

"We're here. Let's head out around 2 because the cops usually get here at 3" Ian said


I went inside and there was a one shot entrance fee

I downed my shot and everyone around cheered

Most people were already wasted so I figured I'd catch up

"You you down to play" someone asked

"Play what" I yelled over the music

"Drunk uno"

"Fuck yeah"

"Come down to the basement" I nodded and followed

It was way quieter and people were already in a circle

"Here are the rules
First of all, it's 1 shot to start the game.
Draw 2 = 1 Shot
Draw 4 = 2 Shots
SKIP = The person who gets skipped has to take 1 shot.
Reverse = Reversed person has to take 2 shots.
False UNO = 1 Shot
WINNER: PICKS THE PERSON THEY WANT TO TAKE 3 SHOTS" after he was done he dealt the cards

Too many shots later

I was already wasted and we only played like 3 games

Before Her Story Began حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن