Chapter 110

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One year later
Aleksandr's POV

"It's hard for me to justify a mother losing complete rights to her daughter. Especially to someone who isn't even blood. I'm sorry Mr. Volkov but I'm denying your request for full custody."

"She gave up her parental rights!" I yelled

"Watch yourself Mr. Volkov or I'll hold you in contempt in this court. She wasn't in the right state of mind to sign those documents. I'm awarding Xiomara Jimenez full custody of Adriana. Her last name will be changed back and you'll have no contact with the child unless the mother permits it."

"She doesn't want to be with her! Let JJ testify and she'll tell you. You can't take my baby from me. She's my whole world." I slammed my fist on the table

"You'll have to work out an agreement with the mother." The judge spoke

"Your honor my client want no contact between her daughter and Mr. Volkov."

"Ms. Jimenez will pick up Adriana from school while you send Adriana's belongings. There will be no goodbye in order to respect the mother's wishes."

My heart shattered. I can't imagine how JJ is gonna feel seeing her and hearing she's her guardian again.

"I lost my baby." I dropped my head into my hands and tears fell

How did we fucking lose? I've been acquitted from murder in the past, but I couldn't win a simple family court case against an abusive bitch.

I should've killed her.

"Al we need to leave." Dima told me

"I told her that I'd protect her forever and always. I broke my promise. She's gonna see that bitch at dismissal and lose her mind"

"Aleksandr you have to get yourself together. I'll pushed forward the appeal and JJ is old enough to decide who she wants to be with. We'll sue the judge for mishandling this case as well"


Adriana's POV

For some reason I was called into the office for dismissal. Dad let's me walk since we live less than half an hour from school.

"Hi mija"

"She's not supposed to be here! Call my dad" I told the secretary

"Aleksandr won't be bothering us anymore. The judge gave me full custody of you, and he can't come anywhere near you. Isn't that great? It's just you and me like old times." Xiomara beamed

"Like old times? You mean when you would let your boyfriends touch me then beat me for trying to steal your man. Or when you sold me to pay for your drug addiction. I'm not going anywhere with you! I'm waiting in here for dad to pick me up"

"AJ we're not doing this today. They saw the court order so you have to come home with me"

"I don't care! I want my dad" I cried

After being forcibly dragged out of the office I'm in Xiomara's car.

"I know this is a hard transition but I promise we're gonna be happy. I'm already so glad I won. We're mommy and daughter again"

"I don't care! Why don't you go overdose in a fucking ditch you stupid whore" I yelled

She slammed her fists on the steering wheel

"Adriana I'm trying to start over with you! I know I messed up but I promise we can be a family again. I've been talking to Alessandro so at the end of the school year we'll go back"

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