Chapter 81

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Adriana's POV

3 months later

I'm in my pajamas on the couch watching Sunday morning cartoons. Since no one is up yet so I'm eating Cheese nips before an adult comes out and yells at me

I get a text on my phone from Ryan asking me if I wanna come over to his house. I tell him no way because my dad will never allow it.

He then tells me that the guys are going over too.

Including June [insert eye roll]

He feels it's important I make up with June. It's annoying because he should be on my side not June's

I heard a door open and I freaked out to hide my snack

"Why do I have to leave so early"

"Shhh you'll wake my family" Yuri shushes his pal

"I thought we could spend the day together and have more fun"

"I'll call you" he ushered her towards the elevator

"You promise"

"Whatever" he responded and hit the button on the elevator

"Tsk tsk tsk" I judged

"Crap! JJ you scared me"

"You know what I love most about you Yuri"

"What" he asks unamused

"That you constantly present me with opportunities to blackmail you"

"What do you want this time" he asked already knowing the dealio

"Ryan is having all the guys over at his house. I wanna go but dad always says no. I want you to take me and cover for me"

"What if something happens to you. A girl by herself with boys is never safe"

"Please Yuri. I never get to hangout with them after school. They all got so close even Ryan. He was my best friend and I feel like I'm losing him. Please just let me go this once"

"Fine! Anything for you"

"Thanks Yuri" I hugged him

At Ryan's house

"Look who's finally here" June sneered

"You actually got permission"

"Not at all. I just asked Yuri to cover for me"

"Is Yuri a girl" the guys asked

"No he's my uncle"

"Dang I thought it would be someone hot like Haruhi. The things I'd do to her"

"Gross" I laughed

"Does she work out"

"She's a professional dancer so that's what keeps her in shape mostly but yes she works out. So what do you guys normally do" I asked changing the subject

"We talk about girls and see if we can sneak a peak of the prostitute Ryan's dad fucks"

"What's a prostitute"

"Someone who gets paid to have sex. God you're so innocent. I bet you don't know what sex is" Benji laughed

"Shut up"

"She literally doesn't. She's a goodie two shoes. Whatever her dad says no about she listens" Ryan said and everyone laughed

"Why are you being a dick"

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