Chapter 12

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Adriana's POV

It's been a month since the incident with Lucy and my foot is healed for the most part. I just have to wear an ugly boot.

I've tried making friends with Nikolai but he wasn't too eager. So for the past two weeks I've been bored out of my mind.

Alek and Dimitri are somewhere else in Russia dealing with business. Granny and Gramps are celebrating their anniversary somewhere warm. Our babysitter is Sergei and he's fun and all but Yuri has been keeping him busy.

It's 4:02 in the morning and I'm fixing myself a cup of black coffee to stay up. Normally I'd steal Yuri's energy drinks but he's been noticing their absence so I'm laying low for a while.

I've had a nightmare every night so I've just been staying up. It's been 3 days since I last slept

"Coffee will stunt your growth" I heard a tire voice say

"You shouldn't be up" I told Nikolai

"Neither should you"

"I know but I'm not tired"

"You're lying"

"Are you gonna tell on me"

"Depends, why are you up"

"I keep having nightmares so if I don't sleep I won't have them"

"That's stupid"

"I didn't ask"

"I'm just saying coffee is bad for you and sleep is important"

"Why do you care? You hate me"

"I don't hate you and I do care"

"Yeah right" I scoffed

"I'm serious! You're funny and cool but it's hard to look at you"

"You're too kind"

"I didn't mean it like that. Let's face it You're my replacement. You're everything they want and I'm... well I'm a disappointment. My mom said I should hate you and get rid of you before you got rid of me. I was mean I just didn't want to be alone. But you were right, I hate all of this. I just used training as an opportunity to spend time with dad but that doesn't matter now" he frowned

"You aren't a disappointment Nikolai. You're so smart and who cares if fighting isn't your forte? You have years to be an okay fighter. I'll be by your side to pick up any slack"

"Thanks Adriana! If the offer is still up for grabs I'd like to be your friend" he smiled

I put down my cup of coffee and hugged him


"Good now let's go to bed. You can sleep with me so if you have a nightmare I'll be there for you" he said

"I don't know Nikolai"

"Please call me Niko, since you are my friend now" I nodded

"Let's go up before uncle Sergei finds us"

"Okay" I took his hand and he dragged us to his room

We laid down in his bed

"Night JJ and know Im right here"

"Thanks" I said

I laid there for what felt like hours. Niko was out like a light. I was laying on my back when I saw something shadow like move in the corner of the room. I turned to look at it but I couldn't move. I tried to call Niko but I had now voice. It felt hard to breathe and I felt terrified

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