Chapter 40

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Adriana's POV

"We're gonna get in trouble" Niko complained

"We won't if you keep your mouth shut" I said in a duh tone

"These games aren't made for 9 and 11 year olds. If anyone finds out we'll be so grounded"

"Stop being a baby and have fun. They're away on business anyways"

"No because you don't get hit. I do! I don't want a red ass or a red face"

"Okay I'm sorry, I'll play them without you" I told him

"Or we can just put them in Yuri's room and say they're gifts. Those were expensive" he reasoned

"True, and I paid for them. I'm gonna keep them and play them while you sit in your room. These are your standard shooting and rpg games. Just cause I'm a girl doesn't mean I can't play them"

"JJ" he whined

"Ivanov's don't whine! Plus I've been dying to play assassins creed and it finally came out. Don't you wanna see me play Hitman or Resident evil 6" I baited him

"Well yeah but we could've just asked for the games instead of stealing Aleksandr's credit card"

"I put the money in cash in his drawer. Plus he's loaded he won't notice $200 missing"

"$200? You bought like 6 brand new games"

"No I didn't"

"Assassins creed III, Silent Hill, Hitman, Resident Evil, Far cry 3, Borderlands 2, Call of duty black ops, Dishonor, Mass effect 3, Devil May Cry, Sleeping Dogs, and Darksiders II" he listed all the games I bought

"Okay but that was only $720 and I put $800 in his drawer cause of interest"

"He's gonna ground us and break all the games"

"Then shut up and let me make the most of it. You don't have to stay so you won't get in trouble but I'm bored" I rolled my eyes

"Then play the games you have"

"I beat them all already" I yelled

"When did you do that"

"After school! You know, when you take all of Haru's time on your homework. She tells me to find something to do so I play video games all day"

"I'm struggling in math she's just helping"

"You don't even attempt the work yourself! You'll never get better if you just expect her to help you all the time. That's why you still flunk tests but you don't care because you get to stare at her boobs for 6 hours" I yelled

"It's not my fault she's pretty! I try focusing but she's always wearing tank tops they're distracting" he threw his hands up

"You're a fucking pig Nikolai"

"Adriana we've gone over this, no cursing. Apologize to Niko and go to your room" Haruhi crossed his arms

"This is stupid he's the one checking you out but I call him out on it and I have to go to my room. He's using you being hot as an excuse for his shortcomings. He's just using you that's why he's not even trying"

"I heard and I'll talk to him about it but that doesn't excuse you cursing at him. Now go, I'm telling Mr. Volkov about your inability to stop cursing. Then I'm calling Mr. Ivanov and informing him on his sons nasty behavior. Nikolai go to your room too" she ordered

I stomped my way to my room and slammed my door. I felt so annoyed I started throwing stuff in my room

It took 10 minutes for me to wreck my room

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