Chapter 10

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Adriana's POV

"So Adriana how are you feeling" the psychologist asked

"Look can we just skip this stupid evaluation. It's a waste of time"

"Why would you say that" she questioned

"Because to you im just a paycheck and to me you're a ticket out of this hospital"

"Believe it or not I do care. I get paid either way so I could just sit around and do nothing but that's not me. I genuinely do care about you and if you open up I can help you smile again"

"I smile just fine" I scowled

"Aleksandr would always talk about you. He said you have a permanent smile"

"You know Alek"

"Yeah he's my cousin" she smiled

"So how does this work? What do we talk about" I asked

"We can talk about anything"

"That's too vague"

"Okay then let's narrow it down. How did you get there"

"My mother gave me to them to work. Whatever mission or task they made me do she'd get my earnings"

"Why didn't you leave or call Aleksandr"

"Because I didn't belong there"

"Says who"

"Says Nikolai. That's why I left, he was so mean and called me selfish for staying"

"Do you care what people think"

"Yes, plus I don't want to get ahead by walking over Nikolai"

"You had many opportunities to run, why didn't you" she asked

"They'd hurt her. I know it sounds stupid but she's still my mother and I know she's still in there"

"What about when you bumped into Aleksandr's men"

"They had a tracker on me so I couldn't risk them following me and hurting them. I'd rather it be me than them"

I filled her in on the last 3 months and it was refreshing to say the least

"What's was the worse part of the whole thing"

"I felt so alone and I hated it"

"I think that's enough for today. I'll go talk to them then you can go"

"No I don't want to be by myself" I panicked

"It's okay I'm just going to grab them"

"No please"

I started breathing fast and it felt like I was under water. All the voices sounded muffled and my visioned blurred.

I felt a pinch in my arm then I faded to nothingness

I'm all alone back in this dark attic, chained to the wall. I trying to call for help but no one can hear me. I cry because I don't like it here. I don't want to be alone anymore.

My tears fill the room and the chains keep me bolted to the ground. I'm thrashing around trying to find some strength to resurface but it's no use

Aleksandr's POV

The nurses just sedated JJ because she had a really bad panic attack. It broke my entire being seeing her like that.

"Mr. Volkov" the therapist snapped me out of my thoughts

"Yes what's your diagnosis. She's been really clingy and I'm worried about her. She's normally not like this"

"She went through a very traumatic 3 months and the time before you wasn't cupcakes and rainbows either. She has Post traumatic stress disorder which is triggering anxiety. Her abandonment issues are triggering separation anxiety which is why she's clinging onto everyone so much. She's not used to relying on anybody for anything. She wants to be strong and protect you but she's scared. She's an extremely bright kid. Talking to her felt like talking to a teenager so I can see how you sometimes forget that she's a child. The fact of the matter is that she's 8 and went through more than any of my patients have been through. You could take her to Russia to destress in a different environment which id recommend or stay in your New York home. It's up to you"

"I'll take her home then- shit"

I look over and see JJ violently thrashing around in her hospital bed

"JJ baby you gotta wake up" I shake her lightly but she doesn't budge

I shake her harder but no use

"Sozhaleyu JJ" whisper and slap her lightly

Sorry JJ

She jolts up and takes a deep breath like I just pulled her out of water

"Are you okay" I ask

"Yeah can I leave now" I chuckle and nod


Sorry this chapter is so late I thought I uploaded it last week when I wrote it


Thanks for reading

Mwah 🕰

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