Chapter 58

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Sergei POV

"Yo Dima have you seen Al"

It's nearly 4:30 in the morning and he hasn't even called to check in on JJ

"Probably drinking excessively. You did bring up a major milestone in our childhood"

"Milo needed to understand"

"But that wasn't something for you to say in front of Aleksandr"

"What did they do to him"

"Look I can't say but don't press him on it because that's a can of worms you don't wanna open"

"Was yours that bad"

"No they let me choose from a line or virgins. Mine was named Lola she didn't cry or anything. She was a runaway from Tennessee who got picked up. I fucked her then we celebrated. I had already killed a guy who owed us money so I had it pretty good in comparison"

I was gonna speak when I heard a crashing noise come from the kitchen. Dimitri and I went and drew our guns at the intruder

"Don' shooo" Al slurred

"Are you stupid Aleksandr? You can't come home drunk with the kids in the house"

"It's fiiiine I-I'm being extraaaa quiet" he whisper yelled

"You broke a vase and you're stumbling around. You know JJ sleeps in your bed when you aren't home so how were you going to play this off"

"You're home" JJ came running down

I grabbed her before she could get closed enough to Aleksandr

"You're supposed to be in bed"

"I know but dad left without saying anything so I was waiting for him to come home"

"You can talk to him in the morning"

"Why? He's here" she challenged

"Because I said so. Room now" I commanded

"Fine! Goodnight"

"Night JJ"

"Get him in the car. We're taking him to a hotel"

"On it"

At the hotel

"Sergei! Sergei! Sergei! I need you to do something for me" Al slurred


"Take my credit card and buy lots of vodka for me. The strong kind I like"

"You don't need more alcohol"


"No take a cold shower instead. I brought some clothes for you to change into"

"I don't wanna be sober" I whined

"Volkov's don't whine"

"Don't tell me what Volkov's do Ivanov. The fuck would you know" he told me coldly

His mood did a whole 180. He went from childish and needy to mafia boss

"It was a joke"

"Whatever just get me more vodka I'm starting to sober up"

"I'll go get him more Vodka" Dima told me

"What? No"

"When Al is like this It's best to do what he says" he whispered to me

"Ask room service to bring Alcohol"

Two hours later

"There there buddy"

Aleksandr has been throwing up for at least 30 minutes. He looks like a teenage girl.

"Did he eat"

"Not that I saw" Dima answered

"How much did he drink for him to throw up this much? He's Russian we've been drinking since birth"

"I knew he'd get like this. You shouldn't have brought that up in front of him"

"I didn't know that he'd go out and get alcohol poisoning"

"More" Al choked out

"More what"


"You're drinking water and getting food in your system. Dima go buy this asshole some food"

"Okay" he nodded and left

"Don't tell me- argh"

"You piece of literal shit! You're leaning on the toilet yet you chose to vomit on me"

I had puke on my pants and shoes. I can't do vomit this is why I refuse to ever have kids. Besides the fact I don't want them in the mafia I hate vomit

I calmly held my breath and stripped naked then hopped in the shower. The soap masked the smell of puke enough for me to not vomit. Once I was finished I grabbed a towel and walked out the bathroom. I texted Dima to bring me clothes and I laid in bed

"Are you going to sleep" Dima asked

"No but I'm butt ass naked since your friend threw up on me"

"I couldn't swing by the house so I didn't get you clothes"

"What am I supposed to do walk around with my dick out"

"Just wrap a towel around your waist"

"This day has been absolute shit. I hate babysitting"

"He's passed out now so no need to worry"

"Why'd he drink so much"

"To forget or numb himself"

"Will you guys ever tell me what they did to him"

"Maybe one day"


Sorry for a short chapter

Next chapter will be about what happened

Favorite moment from this chapter?


Thanks for reading

Mwah 🤮

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