Chapter 107

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Adriana's POV

We're changing after gym and the girls are being annoyingly loud

"Everyone is invited to my slumber party. Here's an invitation" everyone got one

Everyone but me

"Oh sorry Adriana only woman can come. We're gonna talk about grownup stuff. A little girl like you wouldn't understand" she mocked

"That's fine" I shrugged unbothered

I wouldn't wanna spend a weekend with them

"It's cause you're the only girl who hasn't had their period" another girl added

"Well I'm really athletic so that's why. I'm also much skinnier than all of you so yeah.

"Did she just call you fat Jessica" a girl scoffed

"I'm telling a teacher! First of all I'm not even fat! I just have bigger bones than you"

"That's not true and I wasn't calling you fat. Im just really skinny. Shit that came out wrong"

And that's how I ended up in the principals office waiting for dad

"Seriously JJ"

"It's a misunderstanding" I started explaining

"Calling my daughter fat isn't a misunderstanding" Jessica's mom yelled

"What happened" dad asked

"I was giving out invite for my slumber party and Adriana got mad and called me fat" she said in between sniffles

"That's not true! She gave everyone an invite but me. She said it's because it's only for women and since I'm the only one who didn't get their period I wasn't invited. I told her it's fine and that I didn't get mine cause I'm much skinnier and really athletic. That's what you told me"

"What does weight have to do with anything"

"I'm underweight so my body can't afford to have a period cause it's on survival. I wasn't calling her fat. I'm literally 10 lbs underweight"

"You don't have to let the whole world know JJ" dad muttered

"Is that what you're teaching her. To hurt other kids feelings because she's a late bloomer"

"Your kid went out of their way to try and hurt her feelings. I told JJ the medical explanation for why she'll develop later"

"I want your daughter to apologize to mine"

"After you make her apologize for calling me a monkey all the time"

"It's just a joke you big baby! You jus look like a monkey sometimes. It's not my fault"

"You can't say things like that Jessica. They get offended and accuse us of being racist"

"They? Your racist little bitch has no reason to talk to my daughter like that" dad was big mad

"You should be ashamed of yourself for calling a child that. She didn't mean it in that matter she's just a little girl. Kids are silly"

"That's not being silly and if you can't see why that's issue than you're racist too"

"My sister in law is black and I get a lot with her just fine. Just because you adopted a little refugee doesn't mean all of us have to accept it. Maybe the kids would be nice if she acted more like them"

"What the fuck did you just say to me? She's Italian and Spanish you ignorant bitch. I also adopted her here but that's not any of your business"

"Why is she so dark than"

"I'm not even that dark I'm just mixed" I reasoned

"It's the hair"

"There's nothing wrong with my kid. Even if she was darker she'd still be gorgeous. Your kid on the other hand is gonna need surgery when she's older to fix that ugly ass nose and forehead she inherited from you. Also just so free medical advice cut back on the McDonald's cause your little rhino is overweight"

"Fat shaming a child. That's why your kid is so wild"

"Wild? That's the word we're going with"

"Uncivilized fits better"

Dad pulled out his gun and pointed it at the mom

"Make your little fat ass apologize to my kid then move to a different state because I promise you if I ever see you again I'm gonna murder your entire family"

I've never seen dad this angry before from something someone said

"I'm sorry Adriana"

"Now kiss my shoe" I added

"On your knees" dad removed the safety of his gun

With tears pouring down their face. Both the mom and the daughter kissed my shoe. After that dad grabbed my hand and left the room. I was struggling to keep up with his huge steps.

We started making our way home and I asked him a question that pissed him off

"Can you straighten my hair"

"Why the hell would I do that" he hissed

"Because it's pretty and lots of girls do it"

"It'll ruin your curls"

"Well I don't like my curls" I shrugged

"Why not"

I didn't answer

"Do you not like your hair" he asked

"Straight hair is prettier than this mess on my head. If I had straight hair it would be so much easier to manage"

He didn't say anything he just kept driving. When we got home he told me to go to the bathroom. He untied my ponytail and wet my hair with a spray bottle. He started combing out my hair.

"I want you to look in the mirror and repeat after me" he said

"I am beautiful"

"I am beautiful"

"I am intelligent"

"I am intelligent"

"I love my beautiful skin"

"Dad" I groaned

"Say it"

"It's not true"

"We're gonna do this every morning until you start believing it. Now go" he ordered

"I love my beautiful skin"

"I love my bouncy curls"

"I love my bouncy curls"

"I am powerful because I love who I am"

"I am powerful because I love who I am"

"I am unstoppable"

"I am unstoppable"

"I am fearless"

"I am fearless"

"I am a good person"

"I am a good person"

"No one can tear me down"

"No one can tear me down"

"I am black and beautiful"

"I am black and beautiful"

"I'm proud of my skin and hair"

"I'm proud of my skin and hair"

"Good job JJ"

"Am I your favorite Black Russian"

"Do you even have to ask" he picked me up and kissed my cheek

"I love you daddy"

"I love you too JJ"


Favorite moment from this chapter?


Thanks for reading

Mwah 💕

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