10-Stays This Way

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*leahs pov*

"I think it was nice of you." Devon says as he's helping me put some files into my drawers. "Yeah, nice enough for her to stay, obviously." I say. "She was really pissed, you're lucky she's staying." He shakes his head. "Well, what can I say?" I smile and shrug. "You're a tease." He rolls his eyes.

"You think she hates me?" I ask. "Mmm, more like she envy's you. But shes definitely a firecracker, so watch out." He says and closes one of the drawers. "You're done?" I ask. "With my part, yeah. You can do the rest." He says and stands up. "Well I asked you to stay after hours for a reason." I say and stand up too. "I'm going home, Malachi is taking me out to dinner." He says and I smirk. "Ouuu, ok, ok. I'll see you tomorrow." I nod.

"Yeah, yeah. See ya." He says and walks out of my office. I squat back down and finish with the rest of the files. Then I check my email before walking out of my office with my stuff, and locking my door.

I turn and raise one brow when I see Jennifer over by the lockers. "Shopping?" I ask and she jumps a little and puts her hand over her heart. "No- I left my wallet here." She says and pulls it out of her locker, showing me. "Ah, I'm sorry." I say as she closes the locker and stands up. "It's fine. What're you doing here so late?" She asks.

"Just staying after for some unfinished work." I shrug. "Oh. Well, is there anything I can help you with?" She asks. "No, I just finished actually." I say and she nods. "Thankyou though." I say. "Yeah, no problem." She says.

"I'll walk you out." I say, breaking the silence. I go and open the door for her, then we both walk out. We get in the elevator and just stand there awkwardly until we get to the first floor. "Ms.Remini?" She says as we step out of the elevator. "Yes?" I ask as we walk.

"I just want to thankyou again, I know this is like my 5th time, but I'm just really grateful." She nods. "Well, you're welcome, again ." I say and she giggles. "Oh and, just call me Leah." I say and her facial expression kind of changes. "Oh, ok." She nods. We both walk out the front doors and continue to talk as we walk.

"Oh, and there was like 2 papers I didn't get done today, but I just put them with the rest that are in your office." She says. "Ok, that's fine." I assure her. Eventually I realize that I walked her to her car, but I guess I don't mind.

"Are you heading home?" I ask. "Unfortunately, yes. I used to always go out on a Friday night...but things change." She shrugs. "Mm, I understand. Eventually I got too busy for clubs, now I'm just too lazy to even get dressed up for one." I say and she raises one brow. "Oh please, you basically get dressed up everyday. Do you not see what you wear to work?" She asks and eyes me down.

"Stop." I giggle. "I'm serious, you're like a walking magazine. And you should be in one." She says and smiles a little. "I have." I say since I have been in a magazine. "You have?" She asks and I nod. "Shit...okay. So what'd you do? Like a swimwear shoot? Or maybe some underwear shots. I just know you got an hourglass figure under those sexy outfits." She says and tugs on the rim of my jacket.

"Oh do you?" I ask. "Hell yeah." She says and I giggle. "Alright well, I should get going." I say and she opens her car door. "I'll see you on Tuesday, Leah..." She says. "Bye Jennifer." I say and she smiles before getting in her car. I walk over to my car, then I get in and head home.

Once I get home, I change into pajamas and find something to cook. A lot of the people at work think that I have a perfect life with owning my business and everything. And don't get me wrong, thats all great. But when it comes to my home life, it's actually pretty boring, and quite lonely.

Devon likes to call me a serial romantic, since I just have flings. I never have serious relationships. I just have a different person to mess around with every once and a while. But I think it's perfectly normal, it's not like I'm cheating since I'm not in a relationship.

But I wish that I could have someone to talk to, just about random stuff. It's the little things that count for me. Like enjoying eachothers company without having to do something to make it enjoyable.

I never really saw myself getting married, or settling down. I feel like I'm just too spontaneous for that. I mean I'm young, and I'm running my own business, which is already enough work. So I don't want someone nagging  me all the damn time. It can be just too much for me, especially since I've had my experiences with it.

I've definitely come across the thought that I'm probably gonna die alone. But I try not to think about that, it's whatever.

I finished eating, then I went out on my balcony to water my plants. I tend to forget to do this a lot, so I'm surprised I did it today. Once I finished that, I decided to watch tv.

I turned on the tv, and some random show was on. It had a character in it that reminded me of Jennifer. She's real feisty, and she talks a lot. But I like the character. It's like she has just the right amount of personality to not be annoying. It's almost like she's perfect.

Eventually I started thinking about Jennifer too much, so I turned off the tv, and went upstairs to go to bed.

I'm glad Jennifer didn't quit. I was infatuated by her since day one, and I knew I wanted her working for me. I just had to be tough with her, like everyone else. I'm the boss around here, and I need people to realize that before they forget their place.

But I knew the only way to get her to stay, was if I raised her pay somehow. So I just gave her the promotion and boom. She's staying, everyone's happy. Now let's just hope it stays that way.

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