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*leahs pov*

"So you bought the building and started your company at just 23, correct?" The interviewer asks me. I was supposed to have this interview a while ago, but I had to reschedule since I've been so busy, especially with getting Jennifer used to everything. I just didn't have time.

"Correct. And I've had my assistant, Devon, with me since the beginning. We knew eachother before I even bought the building." I tell the interviewer since Devon made me promise that I'd mention him. But I already planned on it since he is such a big part of my career.

"Very nice.." He says as he writes stuff down. "Do you think that you're at the peek of what you have gong on here?" He asks. "Definitely not. I feel like you don't know when you're at your peek until everything starts do fall and you realize that you passed the peek. But I hope that many more things come to keep pushing the business further." I explain and he nods.

"So you always want something new?" He asks. "Right." I nod.

I look around my office as he takes his time, writing stuff down. I really want this thing to be over, it's definitely not as exciting as I thought it'd be.

"So what is one thing you hope to come for you business? How do you want it to grow?" He asks. I press my lips and think about it for a second before answering. "Well right now, you know we're extremely comfortable financially, and overall doing amazing. We've had some incredible opportunities and experiences, and we love doing them. But in the end we never really get recognized." I say.

"What do you mean by that?" He asks, looking for more detail. "We can get a call to make a dress for the Grammys, but at the end of the day, people aren't looking at the dress or who made it and put work into it. They're looking at the celebrity it's on, and how good they look. So really the dream is to be up there with Versace and Gucci. You know what I'm saying?" I ask.

"Completely, that makes sense." He nods and so do I. Time goes by and he continues to ask questions and we have some conversations. Suddenly my door opens and I look over as Jennifer starts to walk in, but she stops when she realizes we're in the middle of something. "Sorry." She says and walks back out, shutting the door. "Shit-." We both hear her say outside the door.

I giggle a little and the interviewer smiles. "Who was that?" He asks. "Oh, she's one of my workers, Jennifer. She's newer actually, and she's been doing great around here." I explain. "Do you get a lot of new people?" He asks. "Only when we're hiring, which is rarely." I say and he nods.

"Alright well I just have one  more question then I'll leave you to it." He says and I nod. "What's your response to the accusations from Air magazine?" He asks and I roll my eyes. "Jesus, this again.." I mutter to myself.

"I think it's fucking dumb, and I don't understand why it's still even going around. My company didn't, and would never steal anything." I start to say and he raises one brow. "I built this place on originality and creativity, that shouldn't even be a question." I say, frustrated as he jots stuff down in his lil notebook.

"Great, thanks for the feedback." He says and I force a smile. "Yeah...no problem." I say and stand up, opening the door for him to walk out.

I walk out with him and thank him before he leaves. "Fuck..." I sigh to myself. "Hey." I open my eyes and see Jennifer standing there. "Hi." I say back. "Sorry for interrupting your thingy earlier, I didn't know you were talking to someone." She apologies. "That's okay. It's not your fault." I shrug.

"So what was he here for?" She asks. "An interview." I say and she raises her brows. "Ouuu, how'd it go?" She asks as she follows me into my office. "It was fine, pretty boring." I shrug and she nods, shutting the door behind her.

"Well it's still cool. Was that your first time?" She asks. "Yeah." I say. "It's like a big step to get the business out there." She says and I nod. "Are you leaving at 4?" I ask her. "That's what I usually do.." She says. "Oh. I didn't know if you were staying after for a little." I shrug. "I mean I can if you want me to." She suggests.

"Well I was gonna ask if you wanted to come over." I say and she looks at me. "To your house?" She asks. "Where else?" I say. "I don't know, I've been staying out later a lot for the past few days I've been at work, I think I should just go home normally." She says. "Do you have something to do?" I ask. "No." She shrugs. "Someone waiting for you?" I ask kind of annoyed.

"Leah don't be like that." She rolls her eyes. "Well is there?" I ask again since she didn't answer. "Why are you being like this?" She asks, furrowing her brows. "You still haven't said no..." I fold my arms over my chest. "I'm not seeing anybody but you." She says bluntly, getting to the point. "Why couldn't you just say that." I ask. "It's complicated.." She shrugs.

"How-." I ask annoyed since she obviously isn't telling me something. "Look, just forget it. You're in a mood, and I don't wanna talk to you like this." She says and opens my office door. I just sit in my chair and let her walk out.

*jens pov*

I walk out of her office, and try not to slam the door since I'm so frustrated with her. She was in a bad mood and slowly started to take it out on me, confronting me with something she doesn't even know about.

She was trying to start something on purpose, and I hate when people do that. I understand that she was annoyed since I couldn't just tell her, but I really couldn't.

She thinks I have some other person I'm seeing and that's why I have to go home, but it's my daughter who's waiting for me. And I can't tell her that. But of course, she doesn't trust me, and she probably thinks I'm some sneaky liar.

I sigh and go to one of the other rooms and sit on a couch. I just don't want to see Leah walking around since she's usually in that room the most. I pull out my phone and turn it on, then I stare at my background which is me and Emme. I smile a little just looking at it.

Luckily there's not that many people here today, so it's not crowded. "Is that your daughter?" Devon asks from behind me and I jump, immediately turning my phone off. "I-what are you talking about?" I ask. He walks around the couch and sits beside me.

"You can tell me the truth.." He says, starting to get all soft. "Devon, what are you talking about-?" I ask. Then he just looks at me, starring harshly into my eyes, giving me that 'I'm not stupid' look.

I sigh and lean back in the couch, rubbing my forehead. "How did you know...?" I ask softly. "Well I kind of wondered in the beginning since you had such a sassy attitude, I could tell you've put up with kids. And then slowly, your mom side would come out here and there. Like when you helped that one dude in the bathroom, or the way you sweet talk Leah when I'm spying on you two." He says.

"You just have that touch.." He says sounding all deep. I can't help but smile a little since what he said was sweet. "Anddd I stalked your instagram and saw the pictures of you and her." He spits it out. "I-really?!" I say and hit him kind of hard.

"Hey- the rest is still mostly true." He shrugs and I sigh. "Oh god, Leah hasn't seen my instagram right??" I ask. "No, she hasn't." He says and I sigh. "Devon, I-I can't tell her." I shrug. "You have to." He says.

"You know she'll be pissed, and you know that she'd cut me off just like that." I say. "We haven't even been with eachother that long. So it's not like it'll take a toll on her." I shrug. "You haven't been together that long, but she's wanted you since the beginning. If anything it'll take a greater toll on her than on you." He says.

"Whatever. I just can't." I shrug. "Welp, want me to tell her?" He asks. "Fuck no! Devon please don't." I say. "I won't, I won't." He sighs. "Just promise me you'll get around to it." He says and I look at him. "Fine...I promise. But you can't rush me." I say and he nods.


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