8-Don't Bother

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*jens pov*

"There, all better." I say once I put a new bandaid on Emme's knee. "It still hurts..." She says. "I know, I know. It's healing right now. I know you don't feel it, but it's slowly getting better. I promise." I say and she nods. "Can we go for ice cream tomorrow?" She asks, hopeful.

"I'm sorry, mija. But I have work tomorrow, I'll take you this weekend." I tilt my head and she sighs. "And remember, Michele won't be watching you tomorrow, it's gonna be a new person. Ok?" I say since I finally found a babysitter.

"Lala?" She asks. "No, not Aleida. I said someone new." I say and and tilts her head. "Kind of like a new friend." I say. "I need some new friends." She nods and I giggle. "Girl, me too." I say and pick her up off the counter, setting her down.

I hear the door open and turn as Josh walks in. "Joshy!" Emme says happily as Josh walks up to her and picks her up, hugging her. "I thought I told you to give me my key back." I tilt my head. "Never." He smiles and shakes his head no. "You're annoying." I roll my eyes and turn back to the counter, wiping it down.

"What happened to your knee?" I hear Josh ask. "I took a tumble." She says and I smile since she's so cute. "She fell off the bed." I say and turn around. "Ouch." Josh says and sets her down. I walk over and pick her up, placing her on the couch since I know it hurts for her to walk.

"How've you been?" Josh asks me once I turn around. "Busy." I shrug. "The job doing you well?" He asks. "Yep." I nod. "Well I figured I could give Michele a break, and watch Emme for you tomorrow." He says. "That's nice of you, but I got a babysitter." I tilt my head. "How can you afford that?" He asks and I furrow my brows. "With the money I make." I say with attitude and he puts his hands up in defense.

"Alright." He says. "Well, I don't need you to watch her, so you can go now, I have to get her ready for bed." I say and cross my arms. "Really?" He asks disappointed. "Yeah, I have to get up early to meet the babysitter." I say and he rolls his eyes. "It's not a guy...right?" He asks. "No! You think I'd leave Emme alone with a random grown man?? It's a girl, dumbass." I roll my eyes.

"Just making sure..." He says. "Like I'd sleep with my daughters babysitter anyways." I shake my head. "Fine, I'll go. Text me later?" He asks. "Sure." I shrug and he leaves.


"Make sure to be polite baby." I say once I finish tying Emme's shoes. "I knowww." She wines. I go to grab my purse from upstairs, but I hear the doorbell ring so I stop in my tracks, and turn around. I walk over to the door and open it. 

"Hi." She says and smiles. "Hi, you must be Trinity?" I say and smile. Her hair is black and curly, and her were lips were painted a light red color. Her skin is dark and her eyes are very complimenting. Her whole vibe is just comfortable and welcoming.

"Yes, it's nice to meet you." She says and I open the door for her. "It's nice to meet you too. Um, I'm jennifer, and please make yourself at home." I say as she steps inside. "Is this Emme?" She asks and Emme looks at her. "I'm Emme!" Emme points at herself and giggles. "Hi Emme, I'm trinity." She says and walks over to Emme.

"She'll be watching you for a little." I say to Emme and kiss her head. "Ok, Triny." She smiles and I giggle since she can never pronounce anyone's name. "Well, there's food in the fridge, and she'll probably want to watch her show. And she usually naps around 1." I say. "Got it." She says.

"Oh yeah, she hurt her knee a couple days ago, so she might complain about that, but she's just a drama queen." I say and Trinity smiles. "I'll leave you to it." I say and she nods.

I go upstairs and grab my purse, then I kiss Emme goodbye and tell Trinity thankyou before leaving.


"Won't it just come out with water?" I ask as Devon starts to pace. "No! This stuff is delicate, the slightest touch could stain it." He shakes his head.

I was helping him add lace to this cream colored gown, and we left to go find thread. But when we came back, my fucking powerade was spilt all over the dress. This place is super busy, so someone must've walked by and accidentally knocked it over.

"Why don't we just tell Ms.Remini. It's not like it was your fault." I shrug. "No it wasn't my fault, and it wasn't technically yours. But that's not how Remini will see it." He says and points at me. "Shit, can't we just get a different dress or something?" I ask.

"There is no different dress, this is the dress. She asked me to add lace, so she'll be looking for it. And she'll be pissed when she finds out what happened to it." He shakes his head.

We decide to take it into his office and atleast try to get out the stain. But it was no use. "Shit.." He shakes his head. Suddenly someone walks into Devon's office. We both turn towards the door, and see Ms.Remini.

"What the fuck?" She asks and walks over to the dress. "What the hell happened??" She asks and picks up the dress. "We left for one second, then we came back and Jennifer's drink was spilt all over it." Devon try's to explain.

Ms.Remini slowly turns to me and I can tell she's pissed. "Why was Jennifer's drink by the dress anyways?" She asks. "I don't know, I wasn't thinking. I didn't even know the dress was so valuable-." I start to say but she cuts me off.

"You obviously don't belong at a job like this, if you can't even do the one thing this job is about." She says. "Leah, I don't think that's-." Devon says but I cut him off. "No, it's okay Devon. She's right, I don't belong here, and I'm obviously not wanted here. So why bother?" I shrug and stand up.

"Jennifer-wait." Devon says before I walk out. I grab my stuff, and walk out of the building. I planned on going home, but I don't wanna come home super early and have the babysitter question me. Plus I only had an hour left until I left work. So I just walk around some of the stores.


"Welcome back." Trinity says once I walk in. "Hi. How was she?" I ask and walk in. "She was great. She's asleep right now." She says and points at the couch, where Emme is asleep. "Awe, my baby." I say and make a pouty face. "Here." I say and pull out my wallet, paying her. She thanks me, and says she'll see me on Thursday before walking out the door.

"I'm home mama." I say and sit beside her. She flutters her eyes open, and comes over to me, sitting in my lap. "Did you have a good time?" I ask. "Yeah!" She says, wide awake now. "What'd you two do?" I ask and fix her hair. "Triny taught me how to play hopscotch." She says. "Ohhh, I thought I saw some chalk drawings on the driveway." I say and she smiles.

"Are you hungry?" I ask and she nods. So I bring her to the table and make us some dinner. We eat pretty quick, then I take her upstairs and give her a bubble bath. After that she wanted me to watch a movie with her.

So I let her pick, of course. And we ended up watching Madagascar since she loves it. But I wasn't really focused on the movie. I kept thinking about what I'm gonna do with my job. I walked out of there like I wasn't gonna come back. And maybe I won't. Maybe I should just go and work for Anthony.

It's honestly hard to pass up, so after thinking for a while, I decided that's what I'm gonna do. I'll go in on Thursday to get the rest of my stuff out of my locker, and say bye to Devon since he was the only one who liked me. I'll get him to tell Ms.Remini since I do not wanna talk to her. Plus, I'm sure she'll be relieved, and she won't really care.

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