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*jens pov*

"When will you be back mommy?" Emme asks me as I put a tank top in my bag. "I'll pick you up from grandmas house on saturday." I say and she sighs. "You love hanging out with grandma." I tilt my head. "I know..." She says. "I'll be back before you know it." I say and kiss her head.

The sleep in is tomorrow, and I just finished packing my pajamas and everything else I need. I'm not bringing alcohol, since I don't want any trouble to be caused by me. Besides, I'm sure Devon will bring enough to share.

I let Emme sleep in my bed tonight since I won't see her for a while, and that made her a little more happy.


"Thanks for taking her mom." I say once Emme walks in. "Yeah of course." She smiles and picks up Emme. "Have fun baby, I'll see you later." I say and thank my mom again before leaving.

I get to work and put my stuff up. Then Devon comes up to me. "So you're staying, right?" He asks and I roll my eyes. "I've said yes like a thousand times." I say and he smiles. "Just making sure." He shrugs. "Sooo, my question is, where do we sleep?" I ask.

"Mmm, wherever." He shrugs. "Sometimes the floor, only like 2 people can fit on the couches, some people end up in the hallway. We're usually just scattered all over." He shrugs. "Great, well you're not gonna catch me on the ground. Fuck that." I roll my eyes.

"It'll be fine." He shrugs. We get to work, going through headshots and labeling them. Which is kind of fun to see all the different faces. "Ok so, other than drinking, what do we do for fun?" I ask.

"Mmm, there's a projector in Remini's room that we take out sometimes and watch movies on the wall. Mmm, we play drinking games." He says. "Of course." I shake my head.

The day goes on, and luckily we didn't have any major shoots, so I didn't get a headache from all the flashing. I end up helping Devon set up a backdrop for a shoot their doing next week, which involves painting. So he asked me to help since I'm pretty good at painting.

I finish off part of the design on the background, and I feel something cold on my cheek. I quickly turn and realize that Devon dragged his paint brush against my cheek. "You bitch." I giggle and put paint on his arm. He try's to lean away before I touch him, but it didn't work.

I stick my tongue out and he dips the brush in the paint bucket and flings paint at me. "Yo, what the fuck-." I say and stand up. He can't help but start laughing uncontrollably. "How the hell am I supposed to wash this out?" I ask and look down at all the white paint spots on my clothing.

He doesn't say anything and just rolls on the floor laughing. "Woah, who busted all over you?" Leah says once she stands beside me. Devon busts out laughing even more.

"This dumbass got paint on me." I say and point at him. "Are you sure that's not cu-." She starts to say. "No. It's not." I roll my eyes and Devon try's to calm down. "It's not acrylic paint, so it'll come out." He says, still trying not to giggle.

"Yeah it better. I'll sue you Devon-." I say and point at him. He just laughs and shakes his head. I start to walk away, but Leah starts to talk to me, so she walks with me.

"Are you staying tonight?" She asks. "Yep. Are you?" I ask. "Well if you are, then I will." She shrugs. "Hm." I hum. "I'm excited." I say. "Oh lord, I'm sure Devon will make it fun for you." She says.

We continue to walk until we get to the bathroom since I was going there to wash my shirt off. I wet a paper towel and try to get off the spots. "Sorry about that, Devon can be a jerk sometimes." She says and watches as I try to get it off. "It's okay, he was just playing. He's lucky I don't really care about this outfit." I say.

"Here, lemme help." She says and grabs a paper towel and gets it a little wet. She leans down a little so she can see reach the paint spots on my thighs, and I just have a full view of her bent over, right under me. I let her help as I continue to try and get it off my shirt.

We continue to have small talk while she helps, and eventually we think it's good enough. "It'll probably come completely out once you wash it." She says and stands up normally. "Probably." I nod and throw the paper towel away.

"Thanks for helping me, again." I say and she smiles, showing her teeth. Her smile is extremely attractive.

"Anytime, kitten." She says and her smile turns into that smug grin that she always has on when she's not in a bitchy mood. "I guess it won't matter since I'll have on pajamas later." I say since I am gonna change soon.

"Yeah, that's true." She nods. We walk out and continue to talk. "So where do you sleep?" I ask. "Um, I won't lie to you, I honestly don't remember where I ended up sleeping last year." She shrugs and I giggle.

"Did Devon get you that fucked up?" I ask and nudge her shoulder. "He wishes. I've only gotten like blackout drunk once. But last year I was only a little tipsy." She explains and I nod.

"Well, I'd love to see you fucked up. I wanna see the other side of Leah." I say and she gives me a side eye as I just smirk. "No you don't." She shakes her head.

"Are you a messy drunk?" I ask. "Hell no. I'd never get drunk if I was." She says and I nod. "Yeah, nobody likes a messy drunk." I agree. "So what kind of drunk are you?" I ask, curious.

"Well I'm the life of the party of course kitten." She says confidently. "Smh- shutup." I giggle. "Well what about you?" She asks. "Mm, you'll just have to find out." I shrug and she rolls her eyes.

We get back in the room, and me and Devon finish up with everything while Leah does whatever in her office.

People slowly start to leave, and eventually me, Devon, Leah, Rachel, Alaina and some other people that I don't know, were left. So Devon was right, it's only people he likes, or talks to the most.

About an hour later, Devon goes off to the bathroom while I'm putting everything away. He comes back, and I realize he changed.

He was wearing a white loose crop top that had the Golden Girls on it, and his pants are pajama pants with subtle sparkles all over it that you can only really see in the light.

"You are so cute baby." I say since him in his little outfit just makes me happy. "Thankyou, thankyou." He says and poses. "I love that." Rachel comes over to us and says to Devon. "So do I." He says and smiles.

I honestly don't know how I feel about Rachel yet. Our first encounter wasn't the best, so I'll just have to get to know her. Alaina seems really sweet, so I'm sure I can get along with her, and then there's 2 other people I've seen around the most, and I've seen talking to Devon.

One of them is a tall kind of muscular, but not too muscular, dude. Who seems very much straight. And the other one is a girl with peach skin and red shoulder length hair. Her body type is on the bigger side, but she has a cute little petite figure that suits the rest of her style very well. I'm sure I'd be fine with her too. And I'm not really worried about all the random people since I doubt I'll even be interacting with them.

Leah finally comes out of her office and walks over to us. "Finally. Go get changed." Devon says and she sighs. "Damn, who made you the boss?" She asks. "Gooo, I wanna start the fun already." He wines. "Fine." She shakes her head.

"C'mon jen, come with me." She says so I start to walk with her. I take her hand and hold it, in a friendly way as we're just talking. She pauses for a slight second since it probably took her by surprise, but then she continued on.

She'll get used to my touchiness eventually, she seemed like she's pretty closed off. But I feel like she's a lot more open with me than I thought she'd be. At least that's not a bad thing.

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