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*jens pov*

I sit around and watch the photographer take photos of this girl. And not even gonna lie, she's like not even that pretty. But I'm not one to judge.

I gave my resumè to the guy from earlier before I went to sit down. So I'm assuming he's probably looking over it, and he'll come to me once he's done.

They finally finish the shoot after like an hour. And she goes off to get changed. I wait around for the guy from earlier. And I start to get impatient.

The model from the shoot comes back into the room, and I watch as a lady passes me and walks up to the model. I couldn't see the lady's face since I can only see her back profile.

She seemed pretty tall, but I realize it's cuz of her heels. Her hair is dark brown with big curls, and it falls just below her shoulders. She had on some type of tight fitted pan suit that was dark blue, and showed off her small waist nicely.

The model smiles and gives the lady a hug before walking away and out of the room. Then the lady turns around and I can actually see her face now.

And I have to say, her face has a nice ass structure. Her eyes match her dark brown hair, and she has on liquid eyeliner, making her eyes upturned and cat eye shaped. She's pretty intimidating, but-shit, not to me.

I stop thinking when her eyes meet mine, she raises one brow and eyes me down . Oh fuck, please don't come over here. I think to myself as she literally starts to walk over to me. You've gotta be fuckin kidding me.

She stops in front of me and crosses her arms. "Hi there." She says trying to sound friendly but purposefully not sounding friendly, if that makes sense. "Hi." I nod. "Can I help you?" She asks and looks around. "Uh- I'm supposed to be waiting for that fancy dude...he told me to wait here." I explain and she chuckles.

"Devon?" She asks. "Well, if that's his name, then yes." I nod. She just stands there waiting for me to explain myself. "Um I was looking for a job actually." I stand up as I start to explain.

"And I saw this sign outside, but the lady over there told me they're not hiring, but then Devon said he wanted me to wait over here. And- well, that's where I am now." I press my lips and nod.

"You thought you could just walk into a modeling agency and get handed a job?" She asks. "Actually, no I didn't. I didn't even know this was a modeling agency until miss girl over there informed me." I say and point over to the lady at the front desk.

Right when she starts to say something, the Devon guy comes out of nowhere and starts to walk past us but the lady grabs his arm and stops him. "Devon, who is she? Why is she here?" She asks and I furrow my brows.

"Oh right! Sorry I totally forgot about you." He says to me and laughs. The lady just gives him a serious look. "She was interested in interning so I told her to wait." He shrugs and the lady's facial expression changes.

She takes him over away from me so they can talk without me listening. And I just look away so I don't look like I'm trying to listen, even though I can still here them.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" She asks him. "Ok, don't be mad at me. I just pushed her off to the side so she could chit-chat with you later." He says. "Do you even know me? I'm not going to let some random girl work for me. I barely even let trained people work here." She says getting frustrated.

"Ok, I wasn't going to hand her to you so you could immediately snap some shots of her and get her a modeling career. She didn't even know that's what we do here. She's clueless. She was looking to be an intern anyways. She'd just be another person to push around, which I know you like. Besides it would be some more help around here." He explains.

I hear her sigh and I couldn't hear the rest of the conversation, but it wasn't very long until I hear her clear her throat behind me, trying to get my attention. I turn around and they're both standing there.

"So what's what?" I ask getting impatient. They both look at eachother for a second, then back at me. "Can you answer phones?" She asks. "Uh yes." I say. "Can you move boxes?" She asks. "Yeah." I say. "Can you listen?" She asks. "Last time I checked." I nod. "Can you add?" She asks and I laugh a little, because like, is she serious? "What do I look like, a 4 year old?" I ask.

"Alright..." She says and thinks for a second. "Come in tomorrow and I'll get your schedule and your pay set up." She says and I get kind of excited- but then I raise one brow. "That's great and all- but what do I do exactly? Like when I'm here..." I ask and she rolls her eyes as Devon giggles.

"I'll get you all filled in tomorrow." She nods and forces a very fake smile. "Great...awesome." I say and nod. She looks at Devon and shakes her head before walking away.

I press my lips and look down. "There ya go honey." He says and touches my shoulder. "Yeah..thanks." I smile. "No problem. You surprised?" He asks. "I mean, I have absolutely no experience which you probably saw on my resumè, so yes." I shrug and nod. "Oh- I didn't even look at your resumè. We rarely ever get new workers, so we don't really do that around here..." He nods.

"Oh, whateva, I mean I got the job." I smile and he grins. "Good luck...and uh, don't stress about the big boss, she'll come around...eventually.." He says. "Big boss? Is she the boss?" I ask since I never really put that together. "God hon, you really are clueless." He says and I suck my teeth. "She runs this whole building." He says I raise my brows.

"Shit..." I say since that's a lot. "Shit is right...I'll see you tomorrow sweetie." He says and smiles. "Yeah, see ya." I smile and kind of just stand there once he walks away, gathering myself.

I walk down the sidewalk and think if this is good, or if I got myself into a hellhole because that lady is already hating on me, and I'm not here for it. But I can put up with her as long as I'm getting paid.

I drive back to my neighborhood, and head to Michele's house. I knock on the door, and she answers. "Jesus, finally. You said 2 hours, not 2 years." She says and rubs her forehead. "Fuck, I'm sorry. I got caught up." I say and walk in once she opens the door for me. "Where is she?" I ask. "Passed the fuck out in my room." She says.

I giggle and shake my head. "So did you find something?" She asks. "Find what?" I ask. "A job, pendeja." She rolls her eyes. "Oh! Actually...I did find a job." I nod and lick my lips, acting all boujee. "Ouuuu shit. Did you convince that nail salon?" She asks. "Fuck no! That bitch was blind as hell. I got a way better job." I nod.

"Where?" She asks. "A modeling agency." I nod. "Holy fuck, you gonna be in magazines and shit?!" She asks and nudges my arm. "Uh- I'm actually just an intern.." I say and she looks at me with a dumb face. "What?! You really think they would hire me as a model just like that?? Hell no, those people are not playin around." I shake my head.

"Well, at least it's somethin." She shrugs. "Yep. And I get to watch bitches model all day." I say and smirk. "Damn- don't go pullin hoes." She giggles and so do I. "Shit- can you watch her tomorrow??" I ask. "What?! Again??" She asks. "Pleaseee, I have to go in for my first day, and I have no one else to watch her." I say. "What time do you get off?" She asks. "I don't know." I shrug and she sighs. "Really-." She says. "Look- I'll text you when I get off. Just please do this for me." I beg.

She looks at me for a second, then she rolls her eyes. "You're lucky I love you." She shakes her head. And I jump excitingly. "Thankyou!!" I say and hug her.

Eventually we go into her room, and I pick up Emme, making sure not to wake her. Then I thank Michele again and leave.

We get home, and it's already dark since I was out later than I expected. So I just change Emme and brush her teeth. Then I put her to bed. I'm also tired as fuck, so I go to sleep too.

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