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*jens pov*

"10 dollars an hour, 3 days a week. Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Make sure you don't misplace anything because it'll go under my name and I'm responsible for you. Be respectful and make sure you always have something to do." She says and I nod. "Look around." She says, so I look out the little window of her office. "Everyone's doing something. No sitting around." She says.

"Ok, ok. I got it." I say since she's just repeating herself. "Can you do makeup?" She asks. "Smh, you see this face?" I ask. "Is that a no orrr?" She asks. "Oh you think you're funny?" I roll my eyes and she grins. "Ok well, the models will need touch-ups in between shoots. Only help if they ask you to. Just put on some more powder, make them look less sweaty." She says.

"Let's see what else?..." She says and thinks. "That's about it." She shrugs and taps her nails on her desk. "That's all?" I ask and she nods. "Is there like a uniform or something?" I ask. "This isn't starbucks-. Just dress well. We're a modeling agency for christ sake. Dress with a fashion sense, even if you're just an intern. It still counts." She says and points at me. "Got it." I nod.

She turns around in her chair and goes through some drawers. She pulls out a little card shaped thing and I realize it's a name tag. "What's your name, kitten?" She asks. "Jennifer. But people usally call me Jen, or Jenny, or whateva. Doesn't matter." I shrug

She raises one brow and reaches for a pink pen.   She writes it down on the little tag, then hands it to me. "You can wear it wherever, just make sure it's visible." She says and shuts the drawer. I look down at the tag and read it.


I clip it on the front pocket of my pants, and look at her. She stays a quiet for a second then she raises her brows. "Well what're you still in here for-?" She asks. "Go." She says and motions her hand towards the door. "Right." I nod and stand up.

I walk out and the sound of people and shuffling around fills my ears. I stand there for a second, but then I remember what the lady said about sitting around. I keep referring to her as 'the lady' because I still don't know her name. I open her door again and peak my head in.

She looks up and raises one brow. "Real quick- what's your name?" I ask. She sighs and puts her pen down from whatever she was writing. "Leah, Leah Remini. But you call me Ms.Remini." She says and I nod. "Got it. Thanks." I say and shut the door again.

I walk out and Devon walks pass me. "Hey-." I say and stop him. "Ohhh welcome back miss Jennifer. I see you're all official now." He nods and looks at my name tag. I smile and so does he. "Um I was wondering if you could like- help me out. I'm not really sure what to do..." I say hesitantly.

He chuckles and holds my hand. He takes me over to an area with boxes and clothes hanging on clothing racks. "Unpack these boxes, hang everything on the empty racks. Sequins on this rack, patterns on this rack." He says and points to 2 different racks. "Got it?" He asks. "Yeah, easy enough." I shrug and he smiles. "Great." He nods and walks away.

I open one of the boxes and pull out the first piece of clothing, which was a feathered scarf. He said sequined and patterned, where the hell does feathered go-? I just put it back in the box and pull out something else, Which was a patterned shirt. "Alright." I say to myself. I hang it on the right rack, and continue to do what he told me.

It's interesting to watch what everyone is doing around me. I like the rush, I bet no one ever gets bored. I finish and Devon comes over to me. "All done?" He asks. "Yep, but I wasn't sure where to put this." I say and hold up the scarf. "Oh-that's mine." He says and takes it from me, putting it on.

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