41-Oh God

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*jens pov*

Everyone started speeches like an hour ago, and I'm just sitting with Leah, listening to everyone praise her.

Of course I gave a speech, I mean it would weird if I didn't. So I just winged it, and it turned out pretty good, good enough to make Leah cry for a second.

The speeches go on, and finally...finally, People start leaving. Leah tells everyone goodbye until basically everyone is gone, or they're heading to the after party.

Leah gives the key to the building to one of the chefs so they can lock up once they finish getting everything cleared out, then me and Leah go to her car.

We get in and make our way to the bar. "Did you know she was gonna be there?" I ask and look at my nails. "Who?" She asks. "Hailey." I say and Leah looks at me for a second. "Did you?" I ask again. "Yes." She says.

"Well thanks for the heads up.." I say sarcastically. "I didn't want you to worry, and I didn't even think we'd see her." She says. "It's fine. I just- don't like her." I say. "Well neither do I." She sighs.

The rest of the ride is quiet, until we both get out and walk through the doors of the bar.

Luckily Leah rented out the bar for the event, so it wasn't like there was random people in there. Only some people who were at the party.

We walk in and the music is a little louder in here than at the main event, which I don't mind. Leah chit chats with people as we make our way over to order some drinks.

We finally get to the bar, and we both get a drink. Nothing too strong though since it's not that type of party.

The night goes on, and we dance and just talk to people as hours pass by. Apparently some people brought gifts for Leah, so she opened those. I realized Hailey was here when we first arrived, but I chose to think nothing of it.

I see her talking to a group of people, then she notices me and puts on a smug grin. Honestly, there's not really a reason we should dislike eachother, I barely even know her. So I'm just gonna be civil for the sake of us both.

I smile sweetly at her, then put my attention back on Leah as she opens another gift, which is a bottle of expensive wine with a little ribbon around the top.

"I'm gonna go get some water." I tell Leah and she nods. I leave the table and go back over to the bar. "Can I just have a glass of water please?" I ask the bartender and he nods.

I lean against the counter of the bar as I wait. Then I notice Hailey coming over to order a drink as well. That's probably not a coincidence, I know she saw me and decided to come over here.

The bartender comes back with my water and I thank him. "What's the fun in that?" I hear Hailey say, who is now beside me. "Nothing I guess." I giggle and shrug, sipping my water. "Here, I got you." She says. "4 shots please." She calls out to the bartender and I raise one brow.

"Oh- that's okay I don't really drink like that." I say, trying to be nice. "Yes you do." She says and eyes me down. I furrow my eyes and look at her.

"Well I'm not in the mood to drink tonight, Hailey." I say a little more straightforward. "Don't be a shy." She says and slides 2 of the shots over to me once the bartender brings them over.

"I'm far from shy, trust me." I say, trying to figure out what her deal is. "Prove it." She shrugs and looks at the shots, then back at me. I sigh and bite my inner cheek. She picks up one of her shots, and shoots it down.

I shake my head and take one of mine as well, then I go ahead and get the other one over with. I make a gross face and put the shot glass down. Hailey giggles and takes her last one.

"There we go." She says. "Look, I don't know what your deal is, but all this teasing around with me and Leah, isn't gonna work." I say. "Ouch, this took a turn." She says. "Like you weren't expecting it to." I roll my eyes.

"I wasn't. If anything I was hoping we could be friends." She says sarcastically. "You're not funny." I say bluntly. "Leah says other wise." She says which really irks my nerves.

"Ok- when is the last time you even saw Leah? Like 400 years ago-. She forgot you even existed." I say and she scoffs. "Yeah right. Like she could ever forget me." She shakes her head. "Maybe she didn't, but once she met me, her memory of you was wiped clean. Probably for the better." I say with attitude.

"Well then it's a good thing I'm back." She says and smiles like a smart ass. I roll my eyes and and lick my lips. "Can I get another shot please?" I ask the bartender.

I look back at Hailey and she's just giggling. "You just can't accept the fact that Leah is happy with me. You're jealous now that she's found someone, and it really goes to show just how petty you are." I say.

"Like I could ever be jealous of you-." She says. "Oh my god. You are such a bitch. Has anyone ever told you that?" I say. "Not many, no." She shrugs.

"Well you need to hear it." I say and take the shot once the bartender brings it over. "Slow down there. You wouldn't want to make a fool of yourself, would you?" She says. "Hailey, you're not smart....and you're not very pretty. And I'm sorry to tell you this, but anything you say, doesn't effect me in the slightest. Because at the end of the day, I'm with Leah, and she's pretty fucking thrilled about that." I shrug and smile.

Her mouth slightly opens and she gives me a death stare. "I should really get back to my girlfriend now." I say and grab my water before I start to walk away. But she catches up with me and grabs my arm. I snatch it back since I don't want her touching me, then I turn to her, as we're now standing in the middle of the place with people all round us.

"What's you're problem?!" I say. "I could care less that you're with Leah. But you barely know her. Don't go around acting like you're perfect for eachother when you'll never understand her like I did." She says.

"Who do you think you're talking to-?" I ask and I realize that people are starting to stare. "I'm talking to a gullible little girl who doesn't know the first thing about how to be worth something to someone." She says and pushes my shoulder lightly after eyeing me down.

Ok, that sentence did hurt, but she crossed the line by putting her hands on me. I hand my water to the person who's closest to me without even looking.

Then without a care in the world, I punch Hailey straight across the face, letting the shock hit me right after I realize what I just did. My knuckles throb as she stumbles backwards and quickly puts her hand to her cheek.

I look around and see that everyone is in shock. Then if things couldn't get any worse, I realize Mr.Kessel is the one I handed my water to. I look at him and he's just shaking his head. "And there you are.." He says.

I turn back to Hailey, still in disbelief as some people are helping her now that she's bleeding. Oh god.

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