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*jens pov*

"Is it good?" I ask Emme as she has ice cream all around her mouth. "It's good." She assures me. "Can I try yours?" I ask Leah. "Sure." She says and pushes hers over to me. "Ew- is that like coffee flavored or something?" I ask and push it back to her. "That's exactly what it is." She nods and takes it. "You're weird." I sigh and continue to enjoy my normal chocolate ice cream.

*2 weeks later*

"Ok, ok. That's enough." Aleida says and I take my lips away from Leah's neck. "You're the one who dared me." I shrug. "I didn't think you'd actually do it!" Aleida laughs out loud and I throw a pillow at her.

Me and Leah are hanging out with Aleida and Michele right now, just drinking and playing around. Leah met them like last week, and they really get along. Their different personalities click really well.

"Okay- its Michele's turn. Michele truth or dare?" I ask. "Mmm truth." She shrugs. "Is it true you fucked Tony's brother when you were dating?" I ask. "Smh- I fucked his sister too." She scoffs. Leah's jaw drops and me and Aleida bust out laughing.

"I'm just playinggg. But I did actually fuck his brother, after we broke up." She says but we still laugh. "That's some bullshit." I laugh and lay back in Leah's lap. "You're so drunk." She shakes her head. "Am I really? Can you tell?" I ask since I hadn't realized I drank so much.

"Uh-yes." Aleida says since it's obvious. "Shit- I can't go home to Emme like this." I say and rub my head. "Then don't." Michele shrugs and I just roll my eyes at her. "We should head back." I say to Leah and stand up but stumble backwards a little. Leah holds my waist so I can be steady, then she stands up too.

"Can you drive?" I ask Leah. "Yeah." She says and I hand her the keys. "Thanks for having us Michele, we'll see you guys later." Leah says. "Thanks for coming, be safe!" Michele says and Aleida says bye. "Byeeee." I wave and Leah helps me out the door.

We both get in the car and I just look out the window. "Did I leave a mark on your neck?" I ask since it randomly crossed my mind.

I look at her neck and rub my finger over the little mark. "Did you?" Leah asks. "Yep." I say and she giggles. "I can give you more later if you want..." I say and she side-eyes me with a smirk.

"How could I say no to that?" She giggles. I smile and continue to look out the window.

We get to my house and walk in the door. "Hey Trinityy." I say sweetly. "Hi welcome back." She smiles. I start to walk but Leah grabs my hand before I end up falling. "Sorry, she's a little tipsy." Leah sugarcoats it and pulls out her wallet.

"Emme is in the bathroom right now, she wanted to go by herself." Trinity tells me. "Ohh okay. Thankyou." I say as Leah pays her. "See ya!" I say and Trinity just giggles as she walks out. "Here sit down, I'll go check on Emme." Leah tells me.

I sit down on the couch and let Leah go. I hear Leah knock on the bathroom door and ask if Emme is okay, then I hear the bathroom door open. I look over as they both walk out of the hall. "Hi babyyy." I smile and she runs over to me and jumps in my laugh.

"You smell good." She says. "You smell good." I correct her and attack her with kisses. "Stopppp." She wines. I finally stop and fix her hair since I messed it up. "You're so gorgeous." I sigh. "Isn't she?" I ask Leah and turn to her. "She is." Leah agrees. "Why are you acting weird mommy?" Emme asks. "What do you mean- this is just how I act." I shrug.

"Nah uh." Emme shakes her head. "How about we get you changed into something comfortable?" Leah suggests to Emme. "Okay!" Emme jumps up and runs over to Leah. Leah bends down and picks Emme up, carrying her upstairs. "Be right back." Leah says and I smile and nod.

I'm glad she took Emme in her own hands since I am pretty drunk right now-.

Eventually Leah comes back down and sits beside me. "Did you put her to bed?" I ask since Emme didn't come down with her. "Yeah, she's tired." Leah nods. "Thankyou." I say tiredly.

"I should get going, we have work tomorrow. Do you need any help?" Leah asks me. "No. I'm fine." I say and stand up. "I'll walk you upstairs." Leah says. "You don't have to Leah." I roll my eyes.

"Just hush and let me help." She says and puts her arm through mine once she stands up. She walks me upstairs and into my room where I plop in the bed. "You okay if I leave?" Leah asks. "No. Stay." I say. "Jen, I'm serious." She says. "I am.I need you here..." I say and slowly open my legs.

She glanced in between my legs then back at my eyes. "You're drunk." She says and walks over to me, closing my legs and pulling a blanket over me. "I'll see you at work tomorrow." She says and kisses my forehead.

"You're sooo annoying." I wine and she just smiles. "Byeee." She says and blows a kiss before waking out and shutting the door.

I end up falling asleep shortly after she leaves, so I guess it's good we didn't have sex.


"Hi missy." Devon greets me once I walk into work. "Hi." I say emotionless. "What's wrong?" He asks. "I'm tired, and I have a headache." I shake my head and he follows me into my office. "What'd you do last night?" He asks. "Nothing. Just had a few drinks." I shrug.

"You look it." He says and eyes me down. "I didn't even drink much, I can't look that bad." I say. "You don't look bad, just tired in a good slutty way." He shrugs. "Are you saying I look like a prostitute-?" I laugh. "Not a cheap one." He shrugs.

"I'll take that as a compliment." I say and sit at my desk. He giggles and walks out of my office.

I get some stuff done, then Leah walks in my office. "Hey. How do you feel?" She asks. "Could be better." I shrug. "I'm sorry. But can you do me a bigg favor?" She asks.

"Depends." I shrug. "I need you to be my date to my sisters wedding." She says. "That's barely even a favor. Of course I'll go." I shrug. "Okay good- because I know for a fact you'll be the hottest one there and everyone can stop telling me to find someone." She sighs.

"Oh so you wanna show me off?" I ask. "Pretty much." She shrugs and I giggle and roll my eyes. "Shit, what about Emme?" I ask. "Jennifer, bring her, I promise no one will mind. They're will probably already be kids there- even younger and way more annoying than Emme." She assures me. "I don't know.." I sigh.

"Emme is literally an angel, and my mom would be so happy to see her-." She says. "You sure?" I ask. "Yes! Bring her." She says. "Okay, when is it?" I ask. "Like 3 weeks from now." She shrugs. "When did they get engaged?" I ask since it seems too early for the wedding to only be 3 weeks away.

"Last night, but my sister been waiting for him to pop the question, so she wants to get the wedding over with." She explains. "Okay, well that's fine I guess." I shrug.

"Thankyou. I owe you won." She says and walks over to me, kissing my lips. "You owe me more than one- especially after leaving me last night." I scoff. "Awe I'm sorryyy." She teases and walks over to the door. I flip her off before she walks out.

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