54-First Day

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*leahs pov*

"You think so?" I ask Emme. "Yeah! She loves shiny things." She says pointing at the necklace behind the glass. I'm helping Emme pick out a couple gifts for Jen, and she really does know what Jen likes.

"You're right." I nod and get a worker's attention so I can buy the pretty necklace. The worker takes it out from behind the glass and I pay as they put it in a box.

Emme takes my hand as we walk to the next store in the mall. Jen's already complaining about our new bed spread and how cold it is, so I'm looking to buy her a nice fleece blanket that's really soft. We head into the store, and I look around for the right one.

Eventually I find and really nice one that's so soft and comfortable. It's kind of expensive, but that's what I'm looking for since it has quality.

I buy it, then we go to one more store so I can buy Jen some face wash stuff that she's been talking about foreverrrr.

Eventually we leave, and I promise Emme we'd get ice cream afterwards. Today's been a pretty good day, I'm glad Jen suggested that Emme came with me because we had a good time, and I got most of my christmas shopping done, at least for Jen.

Jen and Emme are my main focuses for Christmas, so I pretty much have everything I need to get done for them, out of the way. Then of course I have to get some things for my family, and then I bing gifts for everyone at work, but I'll worry about that later.

Me and Emme finish our ice cream, then we head home.

"Hi baby! Did you have a good time?" Jen asks once Emme runs over to her after we walk through the door. We just got back, and Jen got back from her parents like an hour ago.

"I got ice cream!" Emme says as Jen picks her up. "Did you?" She asks and looks at me, then at all my shopping bags, her eyes widen and she raises her brow.

I just pay her no mind and quickly go upstairs, and hide all the presents in the closet of one of the guest rooms. I walk back downstairs and Jen is starting dinner.

I walk over to her and kiss her cheek. "Hi." She says. "Hey. How was your parents?" I ask. "It was good, they liked their presents." She says and I nod.

"So, what were all those bags for?" She asks. "What'd you buy?" She asks and turns around, towards me, crossing her arms over her chest. "What bags?" I ask and eat a strawberry from a bowl of fruit she set out. "Wow- ok." She rolls her eyes and goes back to cooking. "Don't worry about it mama." I tell her and hug her from behind, kissing her neck.

"Hey!" I hear Emme say and we both immediately turn and Emme is just giggling. I let go of Jen and go over to Emme and pick her up, tickling her as she's a laughing mess. We don't mind is Emme sees us kiss or anything, we explained our relationship a long time ago, and she knows how things are, she's used to it, and she doesn't mind. 

*jens pov*

"Are you sure? Not too slutty?" I ask Leah as I'm looking in the mirror at my outfit. "It's a magazine company, there's no such thing as 'too slutty'." She says. I sigh and finish buttoning up my shirt.

"Promise you're okay with taking Emme to school?" I ask and she rolls her eyes. "You shouldn't even have to ask me at this point." She says. "You're right. I'm sorry. I love you." I say and turn around.

I walk over to her sitting in the edge of the bed, and give her a kiss. "Love you too." She smiles. I smile too, then the nervousness for my first day hits me again. "Stop- don't do that. You'll be fine." She says since she realizes.

I sigh and nod. She kisses me again and adjusts my tight pencil skirt, pulling it down some. I roll my eyes and look back in the mirror, fixing my hair. I grab my keys off the vanity and give her another kiss. "I'll see you later." I say before walking out into the hallway.

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