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*jens pov*

I walk in my house, and Trinity and Emme were already up, eating lunch at the table. "Momma!" Emme says and jumps out of the chair, running over to me. "Hi baby!" I say and bend down, picking her up as she hugs me.

I walk over to Trinity with Emme still in my arms. "Trinity, thankyou so much." I say. "No problem, I didn't have anything to do today, and I like spending time with Emme." She shrugs.

"Still, I just hate telling you things at last minute." I say. "Don't worry about it." She says. "Oh yeah, I just slept on the couch since I wasn't sure where to sleep, I hope that's okay." She says.

"Oh-, you could've slept in the guest room baby. You're more than welcome to." I tell her. "Ok, I just wasn't sure." She says. "Please, make yourself at home. Everything you do for me, you're basically a part of this family." I say and she smiles. "I'm glad." She says.

I set Emme down on the couch, and pay Trinity. "Thanks again. You're a life saver." I tell her and open the front door for her. "Don't worry about it Jennifer." She says. "I'll see you on Tuesday." She says and leaves.

"Mmm, I am worn out." I sigh after shutting the door. "Where'd you go mommy?" She asks me. "I went out babe. Sometimes adults go out and have a good time." I explain. "Did you have a play date?" She asks and looks at me curiously. "Um, something like that..." I nod slowly.

I let her watch her cartoons as I go upstairs and get changed. I go through my emails real quick, then I notice a new one. I tried enrolling Emme in preschool last year, but the school I had in mind was full, and it was too late to try and get her into any other school, so I just decided to wait until she turned 4.

Well she's 4 now, and summer is almost over, so school is starting soon. I guess the school I tried to get her in kept me on a list, and now they're emailing me first thing so I can make sure she gets in.

I'm actually pretty happy about that because Emme's school situation was starting to worry me. I emailed them back and let them know that I would like to enroll her this year.

They should get back to me within the week, and I have to pay a cheap fee. Then Emme will be good to go.


"How is she?" Devon asks referring to Emme. "She's great." I nod. "I'm glad I left when I did because I might've accidentally brought her up." He says and I look at him. "Well I'm glad you didn't-." I say.

"Jennifer." He says and I raise my brows at him. "You have to tell her." He says and I immediately lose interest in the conversation. "I don't wanna talk about this." I say bluntly. "God I hate that you get like this whenever we talk about you telling her." He sighs.

"Well how else to you expect me to act? Excited? Cheerful?" I ask sarcastically. "Look. Aren't you worried about how she'll react? You don't ever think about it?" He asks, making me think.

"You're both taking this deeper, feelings are forming. Even more than before. And you've both had sex." He says and I shoot him a look. "Well haven't you??" He asks in defense.

He looks at me, waiting for an answer. I nod my head yes and he sighs. "Exactly...now this is gonna be really hard." He says. "We're not even together." I say. "Don't do that." He says.

"We both know there's something there, and you can't act like it'll just be pushed to the side when you tell her." He says.

I look up and bite my inner cheek. "You're smart when you're sober." I say and he shrugs. He walks around his desk and touches my shoulder. "Tell her..." He says before walking out of his office.

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