1-Always Next Time

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*jens pov*

"No- you have to go home Josh. Emme is sleeping." I say and put my hands up to his chest. "C'mon, I can be quiet." He tilts his head and I give him an annoyed look. "Ohhh, you're afraid that you won't be able to keep quiet." He smirks and I roll my eyes. "You wish." I sigh and stand up. "Alright, get out of my house." I pat his leg and point to the front door. "You're so hot when you're annoyed." He says and grabs my thighs, pulling me closer to him.

"Josh I'm serious, dumbass." I say and move his hands off my hips. "Damn you're really gonna kick me out just like that?" He asks. "I shouldn't  have let you in this late in the first place." I say. "Well you did, so let's make the most of it." He says and stands up. "Mhm, sure." I say and turn him around, pushing him towards the door. Then I open it up for him.

He turns around and leans against the door frame, facing me. "You never give in." He says and I tilt my head. I stand on my tip-toes and give him a peck on the lips. "Well, I guess that sucks for you." I shrug and he laughs. He always puts up with my bullshit, and I'm happy about that since he doesn't take anything too serious and I'm a very straightforward person.

"I'll get you out the house one day, and we'll go to a hotel, or wherever- as long as I can get some pus-." He says but I cut him off. "We fuck almost everytime we see eachother." I scoff. "But we didn't this time! Or the last!" He says in defense. I stare at him likes he's stupid. And he just puts on that dumb smile.

"God- you're a perv." I giggle. "Lemme get another kiss." He says and closes his eyes, making a kissy face. I roll my eyes and just shut the door on him.

I look up at the ceiling and shake my head, giggling. I hear him get in his car and leave as I start to clean up the dishes. Once I finish, I turn off all the lights and head upstairs. I get ready for bed, and take a quick shower. Then I go straight to bed.


"Aye- baby, watch what you're doing." I say as Emme is making a mess with her food. I grab a napkin and turn to her. "Look at me." I say and she looks up at me. I hold her chin, and wipe her mouth and everywhere else she got her food. "Sorry." She says once I finish. I look at her and I can't help but smile.

"It's ok, just be careful." I say and kiss her nose. She continues to eat, but very cautiously. I giggle as I watch her, then the doorbell rings. I get up from the stool, and answer the door.

"Hey-." My friend Aleida says, and just walks in my house. "Um excuse you-." I say and shut the door. She gasps once she sees Emme. Then she puts all her shit down, and hugs Emme, giving her multiple kisses. "What are you doing here lala?" Emme asks her. She calls her lala since she can't really pronounce her name, she's only 3, so she still has a hard time.

"I need your mommy to help me." She says and looks at me. "With?" I ask and walk over to them. "I'm going out tonight and I need you to curl my hair." She says and goes over to her stuff.

"Jeez mija. Cant you do it yourself?" I ask. "You know I always burn myself, and it usally ends up looking fucking janky." She says and pulls out a curling iron. She turns to me, and hands me the iron. "Fuck, man." I roll my eyes and walk over to the couch to plug it in.

She comes over and sits down. I pick up Emme and bring her over to the couch too. Then I turn one of her cartoons on so she'll stay put. "Aver." I say, motioning her to sit on the ground in front of me. She walks over and sits in between my legs, facing the tv.

"So where you going tonight?" I ask as I start on her hair. "Mmm, not sure yet. You know Allie from down the street?" She asks. "Yeah." I say. "She was talkin about some new club around the town, so she's taking me and some other girls." She explains.

"And I wasn't invited?" I ask. "Smh, we were gonna invite you, but I figured you'd be busy with Emme." She says and I scoff. "Just cuz I'm a mom doesn't mean I can't go out." I say and pull her hair a little, on purpose.

"Aye!" She says and I giggle. "I'm sorry Jen, I just didn't think about it." She apologizes. "Nah, it's okay. I probably wouldn't have been able to go anyways. You're right." I shrug. "Hey, but we can go out whenever, There's always next time." She says and I smile.

It takes me like 20 minutes to do her hair. Usally I could do it faster, but she's really picky about her hair, so I took it slow.

"Okay have fun baby. Be safe!" I call out as she walks out to her car. She waves goodbye, and I shut the door. Emme's still on the couch, so I go over and grab her plate from earlier. Then I wash the dishes real quick.

"Wanna take a bath?" I ask, leaning over the couch and kissing Emme's cheek. "Okay!" She says excitingly. "Yeah? Let's go." I say and pick her up. I take her upstairs and get the bath water running.

I let her feel the water and tell me if it's too hot or too cold. Then she always makes me pour body wash into the water stream so the bath gets all bubbly. I hate doing it since it makes her harder to wash, but it makes her really happy.

I get her all cleaned, then I let her play in the tub for a little since she has bath toys. I just scroll on my phone for a second. Then I take my makeup off. Once I finish, I look over, and Emme has a beard of bubbles on her face. She realizes I'm staring at her and she smiles real big.

I bust out laughing, and I have to take a picture, so I pull my phone out and she holds her pose for me. "You're so adorable." I say. "You're adorable." She says back, and I smile. I get her rinsed off, then I wrap her up in a towel and set her on my bed.

I take a really quick shower since I don't have anyone to watch Emme while I shower. Then I check on her before I brush my teeth and get ready for bed.

I put her in pajamas, and brush her teeth, then we both get in bed. She has her own room, but she usally ends up coming in my room in the middle of the night, so I just let her sleep with me. Besides, my bed is pretty big so it's not like we're squished together.

She falls asleep as I trace my finger along her back. She always makes me do that at night, it calms her down and makes her fall asleep really fast. Once she falls asleep, I put my arm around her, and make sure she has enough blanket, then I eventually fall asleep too.


This is the fastest i've put out a new book, and i think this one is gonna be pretty good. obviously it's not good yet, since it's just the beginning like i alwaysss sayyy. but i think this one will be fun since it has a different plot, and it's actually detailed. sooo yeah, we tryin new things. be sure to like and comment💕💕💕

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