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*jens pov*
*2 weeks later*

I woke up and got Emme and I dressed. Then I dropped her off at Michele's house before getting to work. No, I haven't gotten a babysitter yet. But luckily Michele stuck to her word, and she's watching Emme again. But I promised her I'm looking for a sitter, I just never realized it would take a while.

I walk out of the elevator once I'm on the fourth floor, then I walk into the room and go put my stuff in my locker by everyone else's. Which Devon had to show me since I never knew where to put my stuff. 

I sat down for a second and started to put my heels on since I can't drive for shit when I'm wearing heels. So I always have to take them off before I get in the car. I put them on real quick, then I go to stand up but Ms.Remini is right in front of my face. She kind of startled me, so I step back. "Hi." I say being polite. "Hello. How're you?" She asks. "I'm okay.." I nod, slightly confused since she never asks me that question.

"Those are cute." She says and I raise one brow since I don't know what she's talking about. "Oh! You mean my shoes." I say and look down at them. "Right. The shoes." She nods and smiles a little. "Well thanks." I say.

"Um, so how's the promotion going? You got any good candidates on your mind?" I ask since a lot of people are going for the promotion around here. "Oh yeah. Definitely. But I actually wanted to talk to you." She says and motions her hand towards her office. I nod my head and follow her.

We both take a seat, and she starts the conversation. "So Devon let me know that you were looking at another job? And thinking about leaving this one?" She asks and my eyes kind of widen. I did tell Devon about Anthony's job, and how I was thinking about it.

"Oh yeah...it was just a thought-." I start to say but she cuts me off. "You know a lot of people would die for this job. You're lucky you're even here." She tilts her head. "Yes, I know that. I was just considering it. It's not like I'm giving you notice right now, and I'm quitting soon." I say giving attitude.

"Good, because that wouldn't be the smartest idea." She shakes her head. "Ok-you don't get to decide what's good for me. You're not my mother, alright?" I say after slamming my hands on her desk. "You really think you're all that just because you run this place. Well I'm a human being and I think it's time that I should be treated like one." I say and I can tell she's getting mad.

She slowly stands up and keeps eye contact with me. "I'm treating you only as you stand in this business. And it seems like you keep forgetting, I'm the boss. And you're...nothing." She shrugs and I lick my lips. "You may be the boss, but you're also a bitch." I say without thinking and I shrug.

"There you go again. Forgetting where you are." She shakes her head, trying not to bust. "Look sweetheart, I don't know where you come from-." I cut her off. "Yeah, you don't." I say. "But around here, you keep your head down, do what you're told, and everything will run smooth. Nobody likes an outsider who flaunts their shit like they're special. Because you're not. You're a waste of space, shit- a waste of air. And I could fire you faster than you can blink...just like that." She shrugs and I keep quiet.

She sits back down and I'm just taking in everything she said. "Get the hell out of my office." She says and goes on her computer. I stand up, trying to think of something to say since I don't want her to win. But I can't, so I just flip the chair over before I walk out and slam the door.

Once I walked out, there was a small group of people standing by the door, including Devon. "The fuck?" I say and they all start to leave once they realize the argument is over, but Devon stays. "Nosy asses." I shake my head. "What happened in there?" Devon asks and looks all over my body. "The hell are you doing?" I ask. "Checking for marks..." He says and I raise my brows. "She can get aggressive." He puts his hands up in defense.

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