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*jens pov*

"Mommy Trinity told me that the sun is just a big fat star."  Emme says while I tie her shoes. "Did she?" I ask. "Yeah, she's super smart." She nods and I smile. "You like her, huh?" I ask, making sure she has a good time with Trinity when they're together.

"Yeah!" She says. "That's good." I say and stand up. I take her hand as we walk down the sidewalk. We go into the doctors office and sit in the waiting room. Eventually they call Emme's name, and they take her back by herself for a checkup.

I sit around and just wait, but then I see Leah walk out of the door that leads to the back where you get your checkups. She doesn't notice me, so she just walks over to the front desk and signs some papers, checking out.

It's weird because I haven't seen her outside work very much, and she doesn't have fancy work clothing on. But her style is still the same, just less out there. She turns to leave, but she notices me.

"Hey you." She smiles and walks over to me. "Hi." I smile. "Are you waiting for an appointment?" She asks. "Yeah, they're taking forever though." I lie. "I'm sorry." She pouts. "I'll see you tomorrow right?" She asks. "Yeah, of course." I nod.

She smiles and starts to walk out, but she stops and turns back to me. "Lemme take you out tonight.." She says a little quieter. "Tonight? We have work tomorrow.." I say. "We don't have to go to a club." She shrugs. "We can go to dinner." She suggests. I look up at her and tilt my head, thinking.

"I don't know.." I say since I have Emme. She just looks at me, waiting for me to say yes, because she knows I will. "Fine." I say. and she smiles with her teeth.

"I'll pick you up at 7." She says. "Are you sure? I can drive..." I suggest since I'm not sure I want her to see where I live. Don't get me wrong, I have a nice house and live in a nice neighborhood. But it can't even compare to Leah's house. "I'm sure." She nods and smiles.

"Ok.." I say. "I'll see you at 7. Dress nice." She says and starts to walk away. "Bye." I nod and she leaves. I definitely panicked just then. But of course I said yes, I wanna spend as much time with her that I can, and this is an opportunity.

I guess I'll just drop Emme off at Michele's house, but I honestly don't know how late we'll be out. I mean we're leaving at 7, but the night night might go on, who knows.


Me and Emme are back from her appointment, she had a checkup coming up, but I went ahead and moved it closer so they could look at her knee from when she fell. But she's all good, It'll just scar for a little bit.

I tell Emme that I'm going out tonight while she's playing with her toys, and quite frankly, she didn't seem to care. I called Michele and asked her if she could watch Emme, but this bitch is going out to tonight too-.

Then I call Aleida, and she was happy to say yes. She definitely sees Emme a lot less than Michele does, so she loves hanging out with her when she gets the chance. And I let her know that I'm going out with someone so she can know the tea. Then she wanted to know who it was, so I gave in and told her. She was very surprised since she knew that Leah didn't like me, but she's happy for me. I always loved that about my friends, we never judge who we decide date. We could care less if your partner has a penis or vagina. As long as you're getting some, and you're happy.


"Alright, take your time, don't have too much fun." Aleida calls out, standing in the doorway of her house with Emme in her arms. "Bye mommy!" Emme yells. "Bye baby." I smile and wave before I get in my car.

I'm excited to go out with Leah, we've never actually been out with eachother. I'm not nervous, but I'm not completely calm either.

I got home and started to get ready. It took me awhile to pick out how I wanna look, because she said to dress nice, but I don't know how nice she means. So I just went with my gut. I took a shower and put my hair in curlers for a little, then I took them out and blow dryed my hair a little more so I could have a blow out look. Then I did my makeup light, but a little more than usual. The last thing to figure out was what outfit to wear.

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