51-Big Step

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*jens pov*

It's the next week...the next week, and
I still can't make up on my mind with Elle magazine. Apparently I needed more than just a night to sleep on it.

We went to Devon's wedding on Saturday, and it was beautiful. I had to let myself cry at that one. I'm just so happy for Devon because he's one of those people who really do deserve love.

It's Thursday and everyone has still been talking about his wedding and how good it was. I'm glad it was a success.

I'm on my way to pick up Emme from preschool, and I'm still trying to make a decision in my head.

I walk in the school and go to Emme's classroom. I walk in and Emme runs over to me, giving me a hug. "Hi mama." I smile and kiss her cheek, picking her up.

"Hi Jennifer, how are you?" Mrs.Smith comes over and asks. "I'm good, thankyou. What about you? How's Emme been doing?" I ask. "Well me and Emme are both great because she got an award today!" Mrs.Smith says. "She did??" I smile and look at Emme.

"Student of the week!" Emme says. "Awe that's so good babe." I smile and kiss her head. "How's Leah?" Mrs.Smith asks since she knows Leah and Leah's been coming around here more. "She's good! She'll be here to pickup Emme next Wednesday." I tell her and she nods. "Ok well I'll see you later." She smiles and I start to walk away. "Bye." I smile.

Leah doesn't pick Emme up that much, but I've been having shoots with different photographers and at random times of the day, so I can't always be there to get Emme. But luckily since Leah isn't the one photographing me, she does me the favor.

We get back home and I get a text from Leah. "The clock is ticking Jen." I read and realize she's talking about my decision. "I'll talk to you about it on Monday." I respond and she reads it.

I'll have to make a decision if I want to stay or leave Leah's company. And I want her to help me decide so we'll just talk it out next week.


"It's really whatever you wanna do Jen, it's your life." Leah says, trying to be reasonable. "Leahhh don't get like that.." I say, being difficult since I don't want her to get upset even though she's literally not.

"Like what?! I'm telling you it's your decision. This a great choice that would be good for you to take." She says. "So you think I should do it?" I ask. "If you want to, then go for it." She says. "Mmmm." I wine.

"My god Jen, you're so difficult." She sighs. "I just have to know that you're 100%  okay with it." I say. "I am. Why wouldn't I be? This is a shot you should go for, you can't go through life turning these things down baby." She says.

"So you won't be upset if I leave?" I ask. "Of course I'll be a little sad, but not for the fact that your moving onto bigger and better things. I'll miss you, but I love you and I only want things to get better for you." She says.

"Look at how far you've come, don't stop now." She shrugs, making me feel a little better. "You're so good to me.." I sigh. "Look Jennifer, go in for the interview, do your best, and worse case you don't get the job, then you continue to work for me. Just take the chance." She says and takes my hands.

I lick my lips and look at her. She really is too good for me, she's so supportive and encouraging. "I guess I'll try it."I say. "There you go." She nods. "It is an amazing opportunity." I say. "It is." She agrees. "Ok.." I say.

"I'll email them and ask when they want you to come in." She says and I nod. "Thankyou for being so supportive." I say. "Of course baby." She says. "I'm serious, you're the reason I even have this career." I tilt my head. "Well I got you started, now it's time for you to continue." She says and I smile.

I give her a hug and kiss her, thanking her again. "I have an idea." I say with my arms still around her. "What?" She asks. "Let's move in together.." I say and she raises her brows.

"Move in together?" She repeats. "Yeah. I want to be with you whenever I can, if I get the job or not." I shrug.

She stays quiet, and she's a little hard to read. "That would be nice.." She finally says with a smile on her face. "It would." I tell her. "And we don't even have to get a new place, I always loved your house..." I say and she giggles. "That's true." She says.

"So what do you say?" I ask her. "I don't know.." She sighs. "C'mon. Don't you wanna have me in your bed every night?" I ask and smirk a little. "Mmm." She giggles.

"But seriously Jen, you don't think it's a little soon with Emme?" I ask, making sure I don't say the wrong thing. "You know I love both of you but I want to make sure that you'd be okay with Emme going through this change too." I say.

"I get your concern. But she understands our relationship, I've talked to her about it more and she gets what we are. I'm sure she'd be happy about it, especially with how excited she gets with you. If anything it's an opportunity to grow closer and let Emme adjust." I say.

"So you're totally sure? This is a big step." She tells me. "I'm sure. I'm sure for Emme too, you're the only other person I want to help me take care of her. You're perfect." I shrug and she smiles. "You're sweet." She says softly.

"Soooo? What do you say?" I ask. "We can do it." She says and I smile. "Great." I smile and kiss her.

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