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*jens pov*

I watch Leah walk upstairs, while mentally saying 'fuck you'. I'm so aggravated with her, she's not being understanding in the slightest bit. It's her ex for christ sake, why does she care so much?

I mean I do feel bad for causing a scene, but Hailey deserved what I did. Yet Leah won't admit it.

The fact that she's taking this so out of proportion is making me question our relationship. If I were Leah right now I would not be acting how she is. And it hurts. It's like she won't even try to look at my side of the story.

I've never been this frustrated with Leah before. So I left. I called an uber, and went home.


I woke up this morning, not feeling too good, and I already know it's not the day for me.

I pick up my phone and notice a text message from Leah.

"You could've stayed." I read and just roll my eyes.

I don't even want to think about her right now. I get up and get dressed to pick up Emme, then I make my way to my moms house.

Once I pick up Emme, I take her out for breakfast. "Did you have a good time with grandma?" I ask her and take a bite of my food. "Yeah, she told me a wholeee bunch of stories from when you were my age." She giggles.

"Oh lord." I giggle too. As we continue to eat and talk, I remember that Leah was supposed to meet Emme today.

Well I guess we have a change of plans..

"Ready to go babe?" I ask and Emme nods. We get home and I let Emme put whatever she wants on the tv. I end up dozing off on the couch since I stayed out late last night.

I woke up like 2 hours later, and luckily Emme was knocked out beside me, so she didn't wander off anywhere.

While she's asleep, I take the opportunity and clean up around the house for an hour.

I get a text from Devon and open it. He was asking if I'm okay after what happened. Even he is making sure I'm okay before attacking me about it.

I tell him it's all fine, then we get on the topic of work and he sends me a picture of one of the rooms furnished at the new building. It's really fucking nice, and I am glad we get to work there now.

We start working there next week and I'm excited. Well I was excited, now I'm not really looking forward to me and Leah avoiding eachother. I feel like we go through something like this every month, it's honestly tiring.

Once Emme wakes up, we go over to Aleida's house.

"Shut. The. Fuck. Up." Aleida says in awe. "I'm not even lying to you mija. He was right there, in all his glory. That fucking bastard." I shake my head.

"I thought he'd be dead by now-." She says and we both laugh. "So like, what'd did he say, what did you say?" She asks, talking about Mr.Kessel. "He was saying how he was surprised that I work there and he literally exposed me in front of Leah about all the stuff we used to do back then." I start to explain.

"And he kept having this mindset that I've 'changed' and Leah hasn't seen my true self. He's just out of his mind." I roll my eyes.

"God, I don't know how you could put up with that." She says. "Oh yeah- And that was before I punched Leah's ex in the face." I nod and sip my wine. "You what?!" She asks.

"At the end of the night, when we were all at the after party, she would not leave me alone, so I hit her." I shrug. "Jesus what the hell." She says.

"You know what, and it's crazy cuz like when I was with Leah afterwards I really did feel bad, not for her ex, but for Leah in general." I say. "But now that I'm talking to you, it's like 'fuck that bitch.' I don't give a fuck." I giggle and so does she.

"So Leah was pissed huh?" She asks. "Hell mothafuckin yeah-." I say since Leah really was mad. "Are you okay, like about the whole situation. No one likes not talking to their boo." She says. "Yeah I'm fine, just annoyed." I shrug.

"She'll get over it. Then we'll be fine." I sigh and she pouts her lip. "I'm sorry you're going through all this." She says. "It's whatever. I mean I am the one who punched her, so it is my fault that this is going on, but it shouldn't be like this." I say and she nods.

"If anything I'd be happy if you punched my ex-." She says. "Right! That's literally what I told Leah and she had to turn all proper on my ass. Like 'well I don't handle situations like that.'." I mock Leah.

"Ok then how the hell does she handle situations." She asks. "Fuck if I know." I shrug. "But I know good and well Leah would be just ass pissed if my ex came up in here trying to flirt with me. Her and her fucking anger issues- she'd do more than punch someone and she knows it." I shake my head.

"That sounds hypocritical to me." Aleida sighs. "Cuz it is." I roll my eyes. I look over at Emme as she's on Aleida's iPad with headphones in, playing a game, then I look back at Aleida.

"She was supposed to meet Emme today.." I say, still kind of upset about it. "You're serious?" She asks and I nod. "Well that's her loss." She says.

"Yeah well it's my loss too. I really wanted her to be involved with Emme, and I fucked the whole thing up." I sigh. "Hey, don't be so hard on yourself. Like you said, Leah will get over it, and you 2 will be fine." She says, assuring me.

"I hope so.."

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