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The rest of the night went by seamlessly. There weren't anymore issues or misunderstandings, just good family fun—although Linda still side-eyed Mrs. Jeon from time to time.

Luna made sure to sit and spend time with each family and she had a blast hearing their childhood stories.

Yoongi was a rebel, which she already knew. It was one of the many things that make him so damned attractive. At least his family realizes their mistakes now. Music is his first love and she was thankful he had the courage to keep pursuing it.

Jin had always been a handsome, little heartthrob that brought joy to the people in his life. He'd gone to an all boys school and still received like 16 roses—no surprise there honestly. If you look at Kim Seokjin and don't see his beauty, you need your eyes checked.

Jimin had achieved so much. He excelled in school and graduated top of his class as well as training and excelling in multiple fighting styles. The man was dangerous and could quite literally kill someone, but he was still her Chim. That was sexy though and it makes sense why he's so protective.

Jungkook has always been shy, but good at everything he put effort into. He went to auditions because he wanted to dance. It's amazing how a boy with no experience singing grew to have one of the best voices in the industry.

Hobi has always been a ray of sunshine. He knew that he wanted to be a dancer so he worked hard at it, performing throughout school and was a backup dancer for different idols and groups pre-debut. The man has always embodied hope and that on top of his amazing abilities landed him where he is today.

Namjoon has always been intelligent—again no surprise there. He has an IQ of 148 and he excelled in school because of it. He became interested in hip hop at the age of 11 after listening to who Luna deemed "The Greats". He knew he wanted to be a rapper from there and started pursuing it soon after.

Taehyung has grown up rather different than the others. His family were farmers, so he grew up in a rural area. His grandmother raised him because his parents were busy. He actually had no future plans other than becoming a farmer—until he learned to play the saxophone. Dance lessons came after that and then following his friends to an audition he didn't even plan on participating in. Thanks to one Noona that was there developing rookie groups, he got permission to audition and it was over from there. It was endearing to see the look in his eyes when he told that story.

She'd told her story too. A 16 year old poetry writing model turned rapper and then singer. If it wasn't for her mother, she'd have none of it. She was so grateful for the time and money her mother put in for the sake of her career. She was discovered by an agent at the age of 13, but she had still had to do pageants and shows just to have things on her resume for when she'd apply for bigger jobs. Her grandparents had been nothing short of supportive during that time, helping her mom with finances as well as coming to every single show to cheer her on. In her eyes, she owed them the world for that.

After everyone's stories had been told, Luna spent time with her own family. She'd tried to include her dad by catching him up to speed when they would talk about things he wasn't there for and made sure to translate for Kat and her grandmother. She opened all the goodies her grandmother had gotten her: handmade candies and snacks she couldn't get in Korea.

She'd gotten a chance to finally introduce Jiwoo to them, who immediately hit it off with Kat. The three had laid out on the balcony and talked about their excitement for the ceremony and what life would be like after until it had started to get late.


The next morning went by in a blur. They'd woken up at about 10am and went down to one of the buildings' private dining room to have breakfast with everyone's families. Well, just Kat for Luna. Both Kat and Jiwoo had spent the night so that they could be there for her every step of the way today.

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