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"Noonaaa!" JK and Tae exclaim, jumping into Yoongi's bed.

"WHAT? What's wrong?" she jolts awake, startled by the yelling.

The boys laugh hard, falling over and clutching their stomachs at the sight of a wide-eyed, bed headed Luna sitting up in bed, her arms in a karate pose as if to defend them.

Even Yoongi, who was fully prepared to gripe about being woken up had to laugh.

"Calm down kitten. It's just the maknaes," he soothes, pushing her hands down and pulling her into his chest.

"Y'all are going to give me a fucking heart attack," she gripes, slightly muffled by Yoongi's chest.

He was getting pretty broad lately. He must be making some late night trips to the gym. Either way, she wasn't complaining.

"Sorry KK. We didn't mean to scare you. We just wanted to thank you for our gifts," JK says once he gets himself together, wiping the tears that had sprung from his eyes.

"Same," Tae manages to get out, still giggling.

"You're welcome babies," she replies, letting go of Yoongi to stretch.

"Everything okay in here?" Jin asks, leaning in the doorway.

Before she could answer, a familiar scream filled the room and Hobi barreled past him, making a beeline for the bed. The maknaes hurriedly moved out of the way so he would land next to Luna and not on them.

"Thank you princess," he says repeatedly, leaning down to kiss her all over her face.

Luna squirmed and giggled as the maknaes joined in, making Yoongi groan under the weight of them all.

Hearing the commotion, Joon and Jimin make their way down the hall to Yoongi's room, laughing at the sight.

Jimin took a video before jumping in the pile himself.

"Yah! Ok! Get your heavy asses off me," Yoongi exclaims, managing to turn on his side and throw the "tower" off balance.

Hobi and the maknaes ended up thrown to the other side of the bed but he held Luna's back to his chest.

"That was fun," Tae exclaims, hanging halfway off the bed.

"Thank you princess. I loved it," Jimin says, coming over to calmly kiss her cheeks.

"You're welcome baby," she replies, reaching up to caress pink flushed cheeks.

"What's everybody thanking you for?" Joon asks, Jin nodding in agreement.

"You two didn't get your gifts?" Luna asks, tilting her head in confusion.

"No, where were they?" Jin asks.

"Yours is on your bed. I put Joon's on his nightstand because I know how he likes to flop down on his bed sometimes," Luna answers, laughing as the two take off towards their rooms.

The remaining soulmates look at each other in amusement when they hear Jin scream dramatically.

"Ah hell, let me move," Yoongi announces, releasing her and slipping out of bed.

He heads into the bathroom right as Jin comes bouncing into the room, his gift box in hand.

"I love you woman," he exclaims, pulling her up into a heated kiss.

"Woah," she says when he pulls back and proceeds to show off his gift to the others.

"It's a little crab and seashell," Joon coos as he comes in, wiping fake tears.

Luna(A BTS Soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now