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"And we are done," Luna smiles, giving JK a high five.

Once they got started, JK didn't want to stop, fearing he'd lose the words so they decided to stay past dinner and finish writing the song. Writing didn't come easily for JK. He second guessed himself a lot and scrapped a lot of lyrics. Luna sat back and watched him work at first, observing his style and stepped in when he got frustrated with transitioning between English and Korean.

Unbeknownst to him, she had been unraveling all the crumpled papers he'd tossed aside and putting the lyrics together. Needless to say, he'd been amazed when she'd shown him that his own words were indeed good enough, amazing actually when put together patiently.

The experience had been both an eye opener and confidence booster for JK. He was a perfectionist through and through and that sometimes hindered him when writing. He usually preferred to work alone because of this but he was glad he hadn't. Unlike writers he'd had help him in the past, Luna gave him the reigns and only stepped in to help when she'd sensed his frustration. The cherry on the top was her using his lyrics that he'd so casually thrown away and deemed unworthy; and made them fit perfectly, forming most of the second verse and bridge.

She'd given him the reassurance he needed to be confident in what he wrote and set it to the side rather than throw it away. Just because it didn't fit in this song didn't mean it wouldn't fit in another.

"Every word is precious when you're writing a song. Sometimes your greatest mistakes can be your biggest hits," she'd told him wisely.

JK loved to see this side of Luna. Even though she was just being herself, he got to see just how extremely talented she was when it came to music. It came easy to her, like second nature and he was grateful that she'd taken time she could be using to make her own music to help them instead.

The way she made him feel was reminiscent to the way RM did the first time they'd met. They have alluring personalities and when they speak it makes you want to listen. They're cool and confident on the surface and poets in their own rights, able to manipulate words easily. It was admirable and down right sexy.

"Are you wanting to record this tonight too?" Luna asks, breaking him out of his thoughts.

"We can do it tomorrow. I want to read back over the lyrics tomorrow and turn them in for approval first before recording," he states, closing his notebook and setting it on the coffee table.

"Silly me, the song is so amazing I completely forgot that step," she says, setting her notebook on top of his and placing their pens in the drawer inside the table.

"Besides, you've done enough today Princess, really. I would've probably spent weeks on this song if it weren't for you," he compliments truthfully, his gratitude shining in his eyes.

"It was my pleasure. Besides, writing doesn't really tire me out. I have some pent up energy from sitting all day so I think I'll hit up the dance studio when we get home," she says.

Unable to keep his hands to himself, JK pulls her to stand in front of him, his strong hands resting on her hips.

"Something sexy?" he asks, leaning forward to gently peck the bottom of her stomach.

"Is that what you want?" she asks, her eyes fluttering as he leaves butterfly kisses all over her waist.

"I want to watch...and touch," he says against her skin.

Along with being super turned on, she was also very proud of JK's English. He had used it seamlessly and it sounded great.

"Great English baby. You're doing so well," she compliments, running her hands through his hair.

Luna(A BTS Soulmate AU)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon