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Please read the character fact in the author's note at the end first. I'm to lazy to put it up here now 🤷🏾‍♀️

Dinner was eventful to say the least. Luna spent dinner time perched on Jin's lap so that he could feed her and "protect" her from Suga and Jimin. She had never felt so babied in her life.

Of course, she and Suga's not so quiet activities in his bedroom was the night's topic of discussion. It turned out that everyone except Tae and JK had heard them so they found out at the dinner table and this time it was JK that choked. Joon, Tae, and Hobi gave knowing smirks while the seemingly innocent Kookie blushed furiously and sent shy glances her way; especially when Jin had assured her that they had all heard/walked in on each other all the time.

It seemed like the table collectively sucked in air when he said that, waiting on her reaction. Much to their relief, she just giggled and asked for another bite of food, not phased or bothered in the slightest.


Currently, they all sat around the living room. Tae "stole" Luna from Jin and plopped down on the couch with Luna turned sideways in his lap, her back against the arm of the couch. Kookie sat next to them, pulling Luna's legs into his lap; and Jimin took the place next to him with Luna's feet on his lap.

Luna sat in the embrace comfortably. Normally, she wouldn't be nearly as comfortable with people she had just met, but it seems as if bonding with them broke down all her walls. "Normal" social norms and standards didn't apply to them. They just do what feels right in the moment. That didn't mean that there weren't things that needed to be talked about though.

"So guys, I think we should talk. Things are moving fast and I just want to be sure we're all on the same page. Basically, I want to know the dynamics of this relationship. Like how it works and where I fit in emotionally, sexually, whatever. Your thoughts, expectations, etc," said Luna once everyone got settled.

She noticed that all of the boys looked at Joon, expecting him to explain.

"Well we are all in a relationship, one that you are a part of now. However, we all have different needs and different people that we go to for certain things. This doesn't mean that we love each other any more or less though. This also doesn't mean that every member has sexual feelings towards each other. For example, Jin and I don't have sex with Kookie, not because he's not attractive or that we don't love him, but because our bond is more brotherly. It's nothing personal. It's just that some members just aren't compatible sexually. With that being said, please don't feel pressured to be intimate with all of us if you don't want to. All that we really expect from you is the basics in any relationship: love, honesty, respect. I think that you will have a good impact on us," Namjoon speaks, a soft smile on his face.

Luna couldn't help but to smile back, her own dimples making an appearance. Tae pokes her cheek and starts to hum Dimple, making her smile even wider.

"Before I even knew you were soulmates, I've always admired the way you all love and support each other. It's amazes me how you all make this work. Many people think that the soulmate bond is all it takes but I know first hand that that's a lie. Soulmates don't have to stick together. It takes effort just like any other relationship. I feel extremely lucky and I promise not to let you down. You don't have to ever worry about me leaving," Luna promised, her hand over her heart.

The boys looked at her with a new level of admiration, the maknae line letting noticeably teary eyed. They didn't need the bond to know that she meant every word, but they all felt the warmth and sincerity of her words. They also knew that she was referencing her parent's relationship, which made their hearts ache for her. They had watched interviews of her explaining what had happened between the two and how it impacted her childhood/school life.

"Oh gosh, I didn't want to make you cry; you're going to make me cry now," Luna says, wiping the tears from their faces as best she could.

"I'm sorry about what happened with your parents. I hate you had to go through that alone. You didn't deserve all the bullying," replies an emotional Jungkook.

"Thanks baby boy, but I'm okay. Look at where we are now. My parents are back together, I'm loved and respected by millions, and I have you guys. Everything I went through only made me stronger at the end of the day. It's like nothing really bothers me now like it used to," Luna replies, rubbing his back.

"Wow, I didn't know your parents were back together. It was all over the news when they split and it always made me wonder if they would find their way back to each other," Hobi adds, a thoughtful look on his face.

"They got back together about 3 years ago. Now they are complete, like they should have been all those years ago. At least I gained another awesome mom and a sister from it," Luna says while shrugging.

"I'm not gonna lie, your parents made me scared to find my soulmate back before I met the boys," Suga says from his perch on an armchair by the window.

"Yeah, my parents fucked up a lot of people's views on soulmates, including mine," Luna replies with a bittersweet chuckle.

Jin sent a pointed look her way, making her slap her hand over her mouth and giggle.

"Such a dirty mouth kitten," Suga teases, wagging his finger at her with a playful, stern look on his face.

"You weren't complaining about it earlier," she shot back, making the boys look at her in shock before making a chorus of ooohhhhs.

"Savage," Jungkook yells out in English while fist bumping her.

Just like that, the light, playful atmosphere returned.

A/N: Another one ☝🏾 (DJ Khaled's voice)

Character fact: Luna was bullied a lot after her dad left she and her mom. Soulmates breaking up was unheard of during that time so their story caught wind and it was all over the news when it happened. People bullied both Luna and her mom for being unwanted, resulting in a rough school life/work life  for the two.

Also, I just want to say just look at the pic in the MM. They're all so handsome but look at Min motherfucking Yoongi. Why does he look so damn good here??? 🤤😋

Ok I'm done...😊💜

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