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Luna let out a relaxed sigh at the feeling of the massage chair at the spa. She never knew that moving to a new country would be so much work. It didn't help that being the perfectionist that she is; she moved her furniture twice after the movers left because it didn't look right to her. It's been 3 days since she moved into her penthouse and her whole body is still sore. She was snapped out of her thoughts by her mother's voice.

"When are you coming to the house? Your father wants to see you," she says giving her a pointed look.

Luna sighs again and runs her fingers through her hair, something she does when she's in deep thought. She waited a bit before answering.

"Mom, you know how I feel about him. If I see him face to face, he's going to want to talk and I'm not ready for all that yet," she replied, looking over to see her mom's reaction.

The older woman's face softened.

"I understand where you're coming from Kitana, but it's been 3 years since you last saw him face to face. Y'all need to put everything on the table and talk it out. You'll never get over the hurt if you don't. If I can forgive him, why can't you?"

"Because you didn't watch helplessly while your mother crumbled. I did mom. You were a shell of who you used to be. He left us mom. I needed him. WE needed him. For so long, I felt like I wasn't enough. You were heartbroken and he was just gone. I had to go through a lot of things alone and I don't know if I can express how I feel without going off," Luna replies, feeling the all too familiar tightness in her chest that comes when she talks about her father.

Seeing the pained look on her daughter's face, Linda reaches over and intertwines their hands.

"Ok doll, I'll just say this and then we can enjoy the rest of our day without bringing it up again. I suggest you write him a letter. That way you can get all your thoughts and emotions out on paper and not have to worry about delivery. You can just read it to him or allow him to read it alone and then talk. It's what I did."

Luna responds with a slight nod and runs her fingers through her hair again, contemplating the idea.

"I'll do it, but it's going to take a while."

"Just do it when you're ready," Linda replies, untangling their hands so that she could answer her phone.

"Jooeun's here. She and Jae-Hwa are going to join us," Linda states while picking up her belongings and moving over to the nail dryer.

Luna follows along with her own belongings, ready to spend the rest of the day relaxing with her moms and sister.

A/N: This is a short little filler. I had no idea how to start this btw lol I'm so winging it, but I have some scenes jotted down already. Also, I'm experimenting with different writing styles so the grammar won't be exactly perfect. Thanks for reading.

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