

Jungkook slept in till 8:30 am.
He came down after freshening up and made breakfast He sat at the small dining table and ate his pancakes. He was listening to the radio as he sipped on his banana milk and took a bite out of his pancake.
Suddenly he received a call. He looked at the caller ID and picked up the call.

JK: Eung..Jin hyung. what is it?
J: Yahhh!!! Where is your respect? Did it fly away somewhere. Speak politely.
JK: Ughhh!! Same shit everyda-
J: Excuse me Young man..what was that?
JK: Ne....Hyung!! How can I help you with my humble service?
J: I can still hear the distaste in your voice. But, it will do for now. Ohh..I called you to ask for a favour. Are you free today?
JK: Yeah. Kinda. What is it?
J: ohhh Relief. The two part timers working here can't come today. One is on sick leave and the other went to her home town. And Joon is out for some urgent matter. Can you come over and give me a hand?
JK: Okay. Fine...I'll come over. Bye hyung.
J: By-

Call ended


Jungkook got inside the cafe. As soon as he entered he got a smack on his head. He turned and asked out of anger.
"Ow....Hyung..what the hec-"
"Don't you dare hang up on me before I say so.", Jin warned.
"Ughhh!!! Hyung!! Cut me some slack will you?", Jungkook complained.
"Ohh...I will cut it for you. Go and get changed. Wednesdays are  alsays so busy. So, You better behave and Good luck.", Jin said as he patted Jungkook's back and went to the counter.  And Jungkook headed inside to get changed.



The rain trickled down the glass windows of the cafe. Only one or two customers at here and there. Because of the rain outside, the cafe was comparatively having less customers.

The bell at the the door chimed as Taehyung entered inside the cafe. Taehyung felt at ease when he heard the soft ballad song which filled inside the warm cafe. The strong scent kf coffee hit his nose as he walked straight to the counter. He saw that no one was there.

"Huh?? Where did Jin hyung and Joon hyung go?", Taehyung mumbled as he looked around. Taehyung stood there for a few minutes thinking whether he should go inside and look. He decided to head in and look for the elders.  Just as Taehyung was gonna enter the staff area behind the counter, he saw someone move at the corner of his eye.

Taehyung's heart started to beat like crazy when he saw the person standing at the farther end of the coffee machine

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Taehyung's heart started to beat like crazy when he saw the person standing at the farther end of the coffee machine. He widened his eyes and looked at the boy and smiled as he mumbled, "Why are you always there in front of me when I really want to see you?"

As Taehyung stared at the bunny boy with love filled eyes from a distance, the door to the cafe opened again and a loud voive echoed through the cafe. Even Jungkook standing at the farther end could
"Jin hyungggggggg!!!! I am hereeeeeee!"

"Tchhh!!! JIMIN", both Taehyung and Jungkook said in unison. Jungkook just resumed his work not wanting to deal with Jimin this early.

"Ohhh...Tae..You are here? Wow..Came to get coffee?", Jimin asked.
"Um....Yeah..kinda.", Taehyung said scratching the back of his neck.
"Ohh....I came to help hyung. I know the owner. Speaking of which, where is he?", Jimin tried to look inside, But decided to shout his name any way.
"JIN HYU- ackkk...*cough* *cough*", Jimin didn't get to finish as Jin came out of nowhere and shoved  half a loaf of bread inside Jimin's mouth.
"That ought to keep you shut for a while.",
"That ought to keep him shut for a while."
Both Jungkook and Jin said in unison as Jungkook walked towards his hyungs.

Taehyung looked at Jungkook and Jin repeatedly seeing that both of them had so much similarities in their personalities.
"Tae...Are you here for your usual latte?", Jin asked looking at Taehyung.

both Jimin and Jungkook looked at Jin in surprise.


You guys......
I really wanted to give you this chapter as a bonus/gift..
So please enjoy this too.
Two chapters in one day. I'm proud that I could pull it off.
Please enjoy...everyone.
Stay safe and healthy everyone!!

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Y'all enjoy!!

~VIO Author-nim~

May have spelling and grammatical errors. Will edit soon.

Pictures Credits: pintrest

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