I was left with nothing but a drowning misery after an initial three months. I had tried to pay off another month's rent by getting a job in a cafe and doing an array of minor jobs. Something that I had never done in my life. It was hard to live that way. I had been ripped off the things that were once normal for me. However, after falling ill, I had almost lost it all. They had kicked me out of work for missing it and the roof over my head was no longer there for more than just a few days. I had used all the money for rent and medication I had nothing left to eat. I was almost starving.

At that time I had gotten an offer from a man who visited the cafe every day for a photoshoot. He said he could pay me cash for a few pictures. At that moment all I understood was money. I had agreed to it thinking it would be easy money. The only when I had reached the address given to me I had realized that man had no g0ood intentions. He wanted to take pictures of me naked and when I decided to not comply, I was threatened that I would be raped. It was a mistaken chance or fate that had Natalie on the door. She was a model, and that man was a talented photographer for a magazine she worked with. There was a mistake on some dates and she thought her shoot was that day. However, one look at me and she knew what was happening. She had been the one to take matters into her hands.

Kicking him in the balls she had told me to run away. I had turned around and found her just behind me. We both had run out of the building only to stop when we were almost around her car. She had guards there, and she had informed them about what had happened. We both were out of breath and she had been the first person who had been helpful to me. When I told her in detail what had happened, she had been the first to point out that never to do that again.

The next day I had found her in my cafe waiting for me. She told me that if I was interested in modeling, she could help. I almost thought that it was another trap, but I had nothing left. I was given the notice to empty my apartment that night. There was no pleading and begging that could be done to stop it. I took Natalia on her offer telling her that I needed the job fast and some money too for paying the rent or I would be homeless. She had given me a crisp hundred-dollar bill to meet her at the agency the next day. This time I had searched ahead and it was legit.

When I had gone there, I had started at the bottom but slowly with help of Natalia I had made my way up ahead slowly. In a span of six months, I was signing contracts and moving places. No longer was I in need of my apartment. Most of the time I ended up at Natalia's place because we had become good friends. The first time she had asked me to move in with her had been the first time I had met her brother, Demyan. One look at him and I was terrified to bones. It wasn't his face that had scared me but the gun that he was holding. I had screamed at the top of my lungs because I was alone in the living room when he came inside with a gun in his hand.

I thought he had come to kill us but when Natalia had come and told me to shut up saying that he was her brother. I had stopped then and there. Only when the initial shock has died down, I had apologized but it was of no avail. He had gone by the time I had let out my apologies. It was only in the months to come that we have stumbled upon each other at parties and at her home. Though I was no longer scared of him but intrigued by him. I knew there was some kind of chemistry between us but I never acted on it. After having one downfall in my love life I wasn't ready for another one but sometimes things happened and that was what happened to us.

One evening when Natalia had gone out on a shoot and I was a bit tipsy being alone. I had been practically in a tank top and undies when he came in. He didn't know of Natalia being out. He was mad at her security for not letting him know. However, I had offered him some wine and yeah I had been the first to make the move. The next thing I know was that we were making out on the couch and next I was stripping him off and having my wicked way with him.

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