Chapter 14

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I sipped through my glass of wine as I sat at my table beside my dearest family. Sadly Demyan couldn't join us because of an urgent conference with someone. It was always like this between us I respected his respect and need for his work.

He had worked hard more than I have ever known about. I didn't know much about his childhood but only the fact that his father had left the family for some other woman. A few months later her mother had given in to her broken heart and killed herself. They were just mere teenagers back then and maybe that is why we all understood each other so much. We had gone through the pain of abandonment.

Neither he and Natalie ever talked much about it. It was a sore spot so I didn't try to bring the pain caused back to life. I knew how hard it has been to forget the painful moments of our life. He had built a whole empire almost out of nothing but a few connections out of her mother's relatives in Russia years later. It was hard to think about how he had made his back to his own country to found his relatives from America on his own.

I had respect in him for more than I had for myself. That was the reason I trusted that man more than I trusted in myself. He wanted me to be happy. He wanted his happiness. All he desired was happiness for both of us. How could I not love a man like him?

"I heard you were going to organize a party this week?" the question directed at had me drew me out of my thoughts. Filling my glass of wine I looked at her.

"You got any issues, Mom?" Leaning back on my chair I looked at her bored. Not to lie I was bored with her. Her file was too dirty but nothing that would hurt my father because he very well knew what was happening all around. Either he had turned a blind eye on it or decided to not interfere when he wasn't too clean. I had seen the hard-earned respect and money of my family built by my grandparents and their parents turn into nothingness with the amount of money they all have been spending. Thanks to a better part of not understanding things I had gained an upper hand in all their lives.

"It's still my house." She said all her chest puffed out claiming some power and I looked at my father. He was busy eating as I thought about was this the right time to reveal this card. The timing was always a good thing but right now at this moment, I was getting bored. I had the opportunity to hit two birds with a stone. I would be taking down my father and the power my thought my mother had by the end of this dinner.

I looked at the other side of the table where Claire was sitting. In the end, it will be a showdown between her and me. It would be her skeletons that would be the end of my revenge on them. In the end, it was this last thing that would break all of them. No longer would they look at each other. There would be nothing but resentment in their hearts and face for each other.

I was quite sure my brother and Hilda were heading for divorce. I had heard him talking to a lawyer about it. I don't think that even Alexandro will even look at Claire after everything. In just a mere week I would be able to cut off all my ties with the Coleman and be Demyan's with all of myself.

"Are you sure it's your house, dearest Sienna?" Keeping aside my glass of wine I gave all my attention to my parents. I saw my father still for a moment before continuing eating once again. Sienna, lost in the illusion of power, sat a bit straighter, shoulders up and chin up. Did she think she could intimidate me that way? If she did it was a very poor thought even for her? How could she think she was superior to me anyway?

"Why don't you confirm with daddy's dearest?" With that he stilled. The fact that he had mortgaged the house that my grandmother had so lovingly and with trust handed over to him. She had begged his son to never let it go and my stupid had done the exact opposite of it. The worst fact was that no one besides him knew of it.

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