Chapter 20

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Karl was the one who had taken step towards Alexandro to hold him.

He was hurting. Alexandro was finally hurting, feeling the pain and tearing himself apart from the inside.

"Hurts doesn't it, Alexandro," I asked as I crouched down to his position. "It feels as if your insides are burning and bleeding at the same time." His eyes snapped to me as tears rolled down his cheeks falling to the ground.

"Valencia," Karl called my name in warning as if not to poke the bear. I just looked at him and smiled.

"Hurts to know that your wife helped in raping a man?" I saw him flinch at the words. "Ever thought about how much worse she could have done to you if she could do this to her own blood?"

"stop it!" Hilda screamed at the top of her lungs. Standing up I looked at her.

"Please stop it!" She screamed once again. "I get it okay. We all do we did so many wrong things and we are very sorry but please stop." She begged, and I just looked at her. Tilting my head to a side letting my hair drop I smiled.

"Do you think a sorry can take back all that you have done? A simple sorry can take back the hurt that all those people have suffered at your hand." I moved towards her stealthily seeing the tears in her eyes.

"Oh, now it hurts Hilda?" I entered her personal space and smirked at her. "Didn't it hurt when you were doing that to him?" My hand snapped towards her hair pulling them down painfully. Her neck arching with pain, eyes closed shut as she tried to get out of my grip with her hands over mine on her head.

"It hurts doesn't it but let me tell you he is hurting worse than you. Your vile act had destroyed his life just in a snap of a finger." I pulled on her hair as she cried out in pain. It was so beautiful to see her in pain. "Just because you wanted her to marry your brother!" I snapped at her face. Letting her go I moved towards Claire. Who was on her knees and her hands on the ground crying?

"Aww, Claire why are you crying now? Don't tell me you feel sorry because you surely hadn't when you had done all those things to him." With the tip of my finger, I raised her head seeing those precious tears. Wiping it away from one of the cheeks I just stared at her with a tilted head.

"you stole so much away from me that night?" I whispered to her as those tears welled eyes looked at me.

"Can you even think about how much I had been hurt because of one simple act of your obsession for him?" She sobbed and I just smiled. I wanted to laugh at karma. How the places have changed now? It was her crying and me smiling while once it was the vice a verse.

"It's just natural that now you pay for all you have sinned." Letting go of her head I stood straighter as Karl's eyes followed me. Moving towards one of the men who had come to the party I smiled at him to be greeted with the same.

"Joel, how are you now," I asked standing in front of him.

"Much better than I could have expected. I own a small business which is a lot when compared to the mere job of gardening I did here." Smiling at him locked my arm in his. All the eyes were on me besides Alexandro who couldn't stop crying and somewhere it pinched me in the heart that I was doing this to him. However, I had gone through the worst but after today we would be equals. He would be able to feel what it is like to betrayed by their own blood. He would understand what pain is and Hilda would understand what betrayal is.

"I want to tell you that it was all thanks to this family and its blindness that he was able to get there." I raised my glass high. "So let's give a praise to them." With arm in arm, I walked to where Hilda was as Claire sat there on her knees unable to lookup. She knew what was coming. I was going to bleed her dry of the sins that existed in her body leaving nothing behind.

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