Chapter 2

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"Ben, could you let me know when all of this turn into ashes. I just want to make sure that I clean all this shit out on my own." I informed him. I wanted to make sure that even the ash of my past was buried and not to be found by anyone. Looking at my so sweet family through the barricade of flames I turned around and made my way inside.

"And one more thing, if anyone asks you to put out the fire. Let me know about it because I would enjoy burning their shit too," I suggested looking at the faces of my ex-family. At my statement, the anger in their eyes burned like fuel. Rather than going upstairs to my room, I walked towards the kitchen. According to the women of this house, its a place where they shouldn't go.Even if they went there they won't know about a shit to do in there or maybe burn it down too. I caught up to Nana as she cooked dessert.

"Hmm, it smells lovely in here, Nana," I commented looking all around the kitchen it was the same as it was. No one was allowed to change it. My grandma drew out the design for it and left enough space for the new technology to be accommodated. Just before she died she made it a part of her last wish that it shall never be changed. She gave in her heart into this kitchen, it was her domain, her throne, her solace and a place where the magic of her hands took place. She loved to cook and with all in her heart in it. She taught me that cooking was a way of showing that you cared for them and loved them, the same thing Nana taught me and biological mother told me to stay away from there. Well, she couldn't cook to save her life and my grandma hated that because she wanted to teach me the same thing, to be high and mighty and never cook in my life. May God bless my grandma's soul because she didn't give up on me and taught me how to cook and some delicious things.

"Well, it should it's all your favorites and after so long real food is being cooked in here. If it wasn't for you I would have been cooking tasteless salads and diet food and I loathe it." She told me while putting the pie in the oven.

"Don't worry things will be going back to the way they were when I lived here. I bet Grandma and Grandpa would be cursing my parents up from the heaven and my brother too." I giggled at the thought making Nana laugh out loud too.

"My,  sweet family is back Nana. Do you think they would have enjoyed the show that I presented?" I asked her forgetting the fact Nana didn't know what I did.

"What are you talking about?" Nana asked curiosity glimmering in her eyes. Settling myself on a stool I told about what all I burn down and the shocked expressions of anyone. Nana was trying her best to show her disapproval but her eyes painted another picture. She was pretty happy and content with what I did.

"Ben is a nice guy," I told her. I wondered how many true colors he had seen of the bitches of this house. From his behavior, I could feel that besides Nana no one had shown him generosity.

"How much is he being paid?" I asked, making Nana's eyes grow wide.

"Paid, you mean salary?" I nodded while confusion swarming my mind at her questioning tone.

"Oh, dear they don't pay any salary to him. They give him a small bed to sleep in, a small bathroom and food to eat that's all. They are sucking over the misery of a poor boy. He came in asking for a job at desperate times, his father just died and the loan sharks from whom his father borrowed money took over his house and kicked him out. He had next to nothing really. He needed shelter and food which he gladly got but nothing paid to him. I gave him Derek's old clothes to wear and altered Jason's up to his size." She told me with distaste on my fucking family. Hearing her out I realized that my oh not so sweet family has grown far worse than ever. Sucking over a misery of a lonely boy is a new low they have reached.

"I will look into it and make sure that he gets paid from now on. What about your salary? And how are your children doing? Last I know is that Derek was applying for a job in Chicago and that was when he came to find me." I queried.

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