Chapter 19

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I stood there staring at my reflection in front of the mirror making sure that I looked the same level of sexy I had expected to be. No thanks to the bruise that was around my arm I couldn't wear the sleeveless red color dress any longer. I had to change the whole look. There was an entire hour for today's party to begin and I was here preparing to keep everything in line.

Demyan hadn't come back home or maybe if he had I hadn't cared to look. I had got too many miss calls from Natalia but I just couldn't pick those up. It would be just me blasting her ass over what his brother had done to me. Isn't that what we all do to punish our loved ones?

Making my way downstairs to the garden where I had set the party I saw a few of Demyan's guards were around but I paid no heed to them. I had bigger plans than him tonight. The event planner had set everything for the little gathering we had tonight perfectly. I could have surely done this inside the house but what was the fun in it.

A queen's throne had been made for me, and I loved that. I would like to sit there and see the demise of Claire.

"You like everything I have set up today?" I turned to look at the event planner. It was her job to make sure everything was perfect.

"You have done a remarkable job and I hope you would do the same again and better than this in the coming days." She nodded to me and left after a bit of chit chat. Looking at the time I realized I still had half an hour to go. My guests were going o arrive soon too. I had asked Ben to show it to our guests as soon as they come. Claire had been very mischievous and it was really hard to get everything in alignment but now it was.

I hated her not because she had taken Alexandro from me but to get there she had done so many wrong things for her obsession with him that the line between right and wrong had blurred for her and changed sides. Tonight her lines will be blurred once again to make her see sense.

"Valencia," I looked up to see Zach standing there.

"Yes?" He was still in the same clothes from the morning.

"Demyan has been looking for you everywhere and asked me to bring you to the hotel." I gave him a raised brow as if he was really serious. Like hell, I would go to him.

"Please tell him that sadly I don't have time right now but he can surely try later on." I saw his eyes harden because I had dismissed him and his boss with those words a bright smile.

"And while you are on it say thanks to him for this morning. It was very memorable." I let my head drop to the side with my tone nothing but dangerous. Moving away from him my hand went to my neck the necklace with his ring was no more there. I had decided to let go of it because sometimes we don't need a constant reminder about things.

I looked at my surroundings ticking the number of guests that were invited to today's party. Demyan and Natalie weren't one of them though. I would like it better if she stayed away from this dramatic moment of my family. It was all between us and then it would be over.

Or maybe not the was still one last thing left between us.

Making my way up to the throne that was made for me I settled down watching and waiting for all this to unravel.

There were many people all around the place most of them Demyan guards and a few servers from the company. I had called people here today but none the ones my family had expected. Calling out one of the servers I asked him to go and call my family to out to the party.

I was going to enjoy this too well. Asking another server for a glass of red wine I sat calmly watching Hilda, Claire, and my mother coming out with all the men following.

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