Chapter 7 Part 1

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I scrolled through the various names in my phone until I reached the name I so desperately was looking for.

Evan Linguini

He was the one who unintentionally rose problems in my life. From him was the beginning of my downfall. The photos and file in front of me were so interesting for me that I couldn't ever put it down. They would be so eye-opening and shocking for others that they would have gone into trauma.

Claire shouldn't have done what she did. She is a dumb woman I would say. She and Hilda had deviously planned various schemes to hurt me and get me out of the picture. They had worked so perfectly, so well that no one could have suspected that it was even a plan. It was supposed to have no flaw in it but it did. The flaw came from Claire's side. She couldn't do the one thing she was supposed to and because of that, she made a dumb plan of her own. A dumb plan in which Hilda wasn't involved, a plan that went against the ethics of Hilda. I'm quite sure Hilda would have put a big no over it and even Claire knew that. That is why she did her best to hide it from everyone. Her dirty little secret was so a very dirty one and how deep she had hidden it my eyes could see it clearly. It was naked in front of me. If this dirty little secret could have known to me years back things would have been far more different than they were today. I wouldn't have lost anything, not my parents, not my brother, not my first love and much more. I could have had it all but I didn't get it. The truth was far away from my reach in that time and If I would have known it then I couldn't have been able to see the real faces of the people I loved the most.

Claire's dirty little secret would have changed Alexandro's life for sure. He wouldn't have been stuck with Claire but I think he deserved her. He surely did after he put his faith in her more than in me. I was going to make him regret it. I was going to start a fire of lust in his heart for me. I was going to give air to it, let it grow until it consumed him. My intention was to draw him into me. I wanted the fire of lust rise to the levels that he becomes addicted to me. I wanted to rule his mind and control his body, make him a slave to my presence. This was going to be his punishment for not believing in me. I was going to make sure that all it happens.

The number of Evan Linguini called for my attention. He was going to be the undoing of Alexandro, that little push that would ruin him and his marriage. My fingers hit the call button and I waited for him to pick my call.

"Hello," the deep voice greeted from the other side.

"Hello is this Evan Linguini?" I tried to sound worried and hesitant.

"Yes, who is this?"

"My name is Hilda. I'm a friend of Claire's." Trying to sound like Hilda was fun. Her annoying voice so easy to make.

"Why are you calling me?" He snapped.

"I'm really sorry to bother you like this but I really wouldn't have called if it wasn't necessary." 

"What the hell is it with her?" He really didn't like Claire. She might have done a number on him.

 " It's just, how do I tell you this." I paused. "You see Claire has had an accident and it looks like that she has lost the memories of some of the previous years. She doesn't remember the people she should have known. Sadly the very last memory she is left with is of you and that is why I called you. It is really a hard time for her and she had been asking for you from past one month. I had tried my best to avoid contacting you in hope that she would remember but it doesn't look like it is happening anytime soon. She really misses you right now." My pleading sad tone was so real that I felt like I was really doing it for my friend. The line went silent for few minutes.

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