Chapter 34

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Three years later......

Valencia Veron Sokolov

I was tired, in pain, and starving. Every part of me ached and the pain killers that I have been lately drowning in didn't do much to help.

From the corner of my eyes, I watched Viktor doing push-ups, shirtless I might add. Tattoos ran over his arm and neck. Intricate patterns and words I had no idea about besides the two. He wasn't anything but a freak. Someone whom people had nightmares about. Making my eyes pull away from him I caught sight of myself in the mirror sideways.

I was sitting on a chair, in some hotel room in Russia and looked nothing but a wreck.

The shirt I wore over my bra and panties were not of much use in hiding what was under. I stared at my face, my hand reaching the bruise around my left eye. It had formed a dark shade of purple. The pain was unbearable at times but this was my reality for now.

Opening the buttons of the shirt I let it fall it to the sides so I could have a better look at myself. The blue and purple bruises marked most of my skin. Everywhere my gaze fall I was bruised. It was nothing short of a horror that people saw in physical abuse. Sadly, mine was more than anyone could think of.

The last six months have been not at all easy on me but I had to do what I needed to. I couldn't even remember what most of me looked like. There were patches everywhere. Some were yellow, some greenish, and some were the remnants of the past in their hues of light brown. My ribs poked out of starvation. Malnourishment wasn't a laughing matter.

The shine of my hair had been gone for so long. They had grown too long even more than what I had four years back. However, it was a whole shitty mess. At least I didn't smell but all I could feel my nostrils evading was the smell of cheap soap. What the hell was even moisturizer and makeup? I had forgotten at all.

Mess, that was all I was. Moving my eyes away from my reflection in the mirror it went back to Viktor. His eyes caught mine, those lips of his turned upwards in a smirk. Standing up, he picked a bottle of water.

Water, thirst was going to ring me out of my blood. My mouth was extremely dry. I was fucking parched. All I wanted was water even his marble-like abs and the pristine body was able to waiver my eyes away from the bottle.

Just a little bit of water. A sip. It has been more than six hours when I had water. The last I had it when we were on the plane.

"Want to have a sip, wife?" Viktor asked walking towards me. If looks could hurt someone physically he would be down on the floor and choking on the same water he drank. However wishful thinking never got you anywhere. I moved to take the bottle from him only to have him turn it upside down.

"Sorry but it's empty now," he laughed. I closed my eyes and breathed in to calm the anger that was pumping through my veins.

"Fuck you, Viktor," I snapped at him. Laying back on the chair I looked at the blank screen of the TV. However, my view didn't last for that long because Viktor cut it.

Holding my jaw, he forced me to look at him. He was good looking I wouldn't deny that. With his freaking grey eyes and sharp jawline, he was dashing. His black hair was a dark contrast to the pale skin he had. He could pass off as a vampire easily.

He bent down until we both were eye to eye level. Couldn't he have been anything ugly?

Letting go of my jaw he moved his finger under the eye which wasn't black and blue. Gently rubbing my cheek, he stared at me.

"I love the way how your skin feels," he rasped out as his other hand traveled up to my thigh. I gulped down what was left of my saliva. He was the most dangerous man who had turned me into the most dangerous woman.

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