Chapter 57

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"What?" I looked at him with disbelief. How could he so quickly tell that he had been the one to circulate those rumors?

"The rumor of Demyan trying to kill was a rumor to always begin with. I put the seed in everyone's mind and let it grow until it became apparent that it was useless going after you," he leaned back on the couch with the glass of whiskey in his hand. "I planted the seed even in his mind and thought it was a long shot. It was justifiable."

"Justifiable?" I asked with anger pulsing through my veins. "You call it justifiable? You fucked up my life and it seems justifiable to you."

"I did it to save you and you are alive. You don't have any idea how many people were going to come after you." I gaped at the words he said.

"I'm not alive. I'm a fucking dead. Do you call how I live to be even living? Do you have any idea how much fucked up in my mind I'm?" I was raged by his words. Taking a step towards him I was ready to fight this man. What did all the men think around me? Were they potheads because it felt like that? Demyan, his uncle, Viktor, and I had no idea about Cillian, they all were fucking playing with my head.

"You need to calm down," Cillian stood up coming between him and me, saying the perfect wrong words.

"I would have calmed down if nothing of this would have ever happened. Do you have any idea what I had gone through all these years? All the pain I had gone through. It made me want to kill myself. I wanted to fucking die as I suffered through all of this. So don't tell me to fucking calm down!" I barked at him but his face seemed unfazed. He didn't show any change in expression.

"I know how it feels," he put his hand over my cheek. "But I can tell you that what you had gone through doesn't compare to what I had to go through. I lived in the same house as my father did and yet he didn't recognize me as his. I had no one besides him, Valencia. I had no dotting mother or family all I had was him. Someone else got precedence over me. Some other guy became his favorite and I had to work under him." It was the first time he spoke and suddenly it felt like he was no longer the same man I knew.

"I wanted to leave the fucking hell hole and I did but it didn't matter at all. Nothing mattered to him you know. My existence was fucking joke, dead but yet alive. Yet, my father brought me back and no it wasn't to tell the world I existed," he spoke with all he felt. I saw the pain in his eyes. Anger and agony dripped through his voice yet his hold on me didn't change.

"He had sent his man to bring me back by hook or crook all because he wanted me back under him. You say you are dead but I'm a rotting corpse on the inside. He made me like that, all of their fucked up decisions did. Do you think I don't have a personal vendetta towards Viktor? He fucked up my life, so many people did and I killed a few too many. I have blood on my hands but at least mine would be a bit cleaner than theirs while yours are bloody clean compared to mine," I just stared at him she he spoke those words. It was now that I could see clearly in his eyes. The misery and agony he suffered was nothing compared to mine.

"You are my half-sister and the only other blood-related family I have. I had hated you for so long but when Viktor brought you in, all that hatred just melted away like ice. You had no idea what world you had been dragged into. I stand beside you only for one reason now and that is because you are my sister," he stepped closer to me wrapping the hand around my shoulder.

"All your secrets are safe with me, and so are you and who you seek to keep safe including my niece," he whispered quietly. I was startled by his words yet there was no malice on his face. No threat in his voice as he whispered those words to me. I looked behind me and Dimitri looked over us with curiosity as I turned my head slightly I saw Demyan. He stood there with the same expression on his face as his uncle did. None of them had any knowledge about the child. Only four people did me, Cillian, Viktor, and Karl.

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