Chapter 45

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"I don't think that anything she told would be of much help to us." I just sat there with my head lowered as Natalia and someone called Hector talked to find out the whereabouts of my child. I had no fucking need to be here but some free rein to roam around the house was really needed which clearly I wouldn't have got even if I seduced Demyan with all I might.

Tomorrow there was going to be a charity event here right in the house. It was one of the celebrations before the couple left for a honeymoon to one of the private islands Demyan owned. The wedding didn't happen but the charity even couldn't be canceled.

One of the people at the party was Demyan's uncle, Dimitrio. Viktor held a lot of hatred for this man and I had no idea why. At times I had tried to probe the subject but he had gotten so much mad that he had left without words to not return for days. I had thought he was going and fucking some woman and I really didn't care at all to even start with.

I had never really loved my husband, we were friends with mutual benefit with a mutual aim. We both wanted to hurt Demyan. We both had our reasons. I did feel sad for what he did to Viktor and sometimes I swayed with feelings about all the injustice done to him. Maybe I related to it somewhere because my own family had done the same to me. However, I could also never forget that Viktor was also the one who had dragged me into a bigger mess. Maybe in the upcoming future, I would make him pay too. Only time will tell.

"It's all right but you actually got a time period from it. She had a full-term pregnancy so we just need to ransack Viktor's whereabouts around that time. We can do this if we dig deeper, Alerik," Natalia stood by my side confidently. I just wanted to punch her and ask how could she ooze such confidence after destroying all of me.

"I will try to do my best," Alerik answered and before he could say more he was interrupted by someone coming into the room. It was one of the guards. I was sure he was in a higher position because he could always barge in how he liked and he was always around my door keeping an eye on me.

"The boss is calling her urgently," he just said out entering the room.

"We are coming," Natalia replied and started to talk back to Alerik.

"He said right now and only her," this man had an attitude maybe. Natalia breathed out a sigh and I could tell looking at her that she was annoyed.

"Then I will escort her there myself or do I need to write that up and make you understand," Natalia snapped at him.

"Let's go, Valencia," Natalia was pissed. I just got up and followed her acting as I was this oh-so innocent victim.

"Sometimes I just want to strangle some people you know, even my husband and brother," she said as we walked side by side. I wanted to laugh at her words because I wanted to do the same. Life would have been far easier if you could just put a bullet in people's heads and be over with it. Sadly that wasn't possible always.

"Here we are," she opened the door and we both entered only to see a fuming Demyan. I won't lie but there was something really amazing about looking at him when he was angry. It had always done something to my libido and the effect was still there but so was disgust inside me for feeling that.

"If you want to say something about why she is out then all of that is on me," Natalia explained like she knew it was this he was mad about.

"I have nothing wrong with that but I need to speak to Valencia alone about something else." There was a dark undertone in his voice. I just stared at him as I was here in his office.

"You can speak freely in front of me-" Natalia was adamant about not leaving.

"Just leave, Natalia. If you don't I will have to call your husband to just drag you out of here," I didn't feel anything good coming out of his words. What was he so fucking mad at? Natalia stared at him for a whole one minute before leaving us both alone. Demyan was quick in his steps, moving past him he just banged the door close.

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