Chapter 24

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I just stared at the report for few long minutes.

Pregnant. Me.

"How?" I stuttered.

"Well, it takes two and you would know how this happens. However, if you are going to say that you have been fucking Alexandro behind my back and you are confused about the father. I swear to god I would strangle right here." His tone was not at all gentle but filled with warning. Anger flared inside of me at his words.

"Open the cuff," I ordered him. We both just stared at each other rather than saying anything.

"Didn't I tell you that we are here until we sort this,"

"Oh, for heaven's sake open the cuff or I would be using my wounded arm to slap you because you fucking deserve it." My tone of anger didn't have him move away from the seat. How could he say such a thing that made my blood boil?

"How can you fucking think that I would have doubts about who the father is. I haven't done anything that would get me pregnant if you really think I have doubts about who is my child's father then I think I should doubt that what we have is even love." The last words caught him. Unlocking the handcuff, he had pushed me on the bed caging me.

"So, we back to doubting our love for each other because I'm sure what I feel about you but maybe you don't any longer." He hovered over me and I could hear the anger in his voice. Using my good arm, I hit him on the chest.

"Well, I can say the same to you. Your actions in the morning didn't make me realize that you love me.' He put his hand on my arms freezing them beside me.

"You were a fucking animal in the morning and you want me to believe in your love. Do you think the next time would be any better? Should I live in a scared form now that every time you get mad at others I would be your punching bag?" I saw his eyes shift at my angry words.

"I would rather not be with you if that is always going t be the case. How far would you have gone if Karl hadn't interrupted? I have a nasty bruise to showcase your abuse." I seethed because somewhere deep inside the knowledge of me being pregnant just made me want to be away from him. He stared with those eyes filled with nothing but shock.

"I would never raise my hand you." He uttered as I looked away from him. "I'm never going to do that even how mad you make me. Even if you shoot me, I still won't hurt you." His voice was gentle and calm as if understanding the pain, I was suffering in.

"Are you sure about that, Demyan because someday when you lose your calm I would be the first one to shoot you?" I replied haughtily. He just stared at me and I couldn't understand what was going inside his mind.

"Now get off me before I kick your precious jewels. I feel like you have I have the right after what happened in the morning." I wasn't in no mood of getting down and lovely with this man right now. There was too much going on that I had to sort out and he wasn't really helping. I looked into his eyes telling him I was serious. He got off me and I breathed in a sigh of relief at it.

It was only when he had settled down back at the chair and I was sitting in the bed I realized that I was just in my panties. I had been undressed and as I wasn't wearing a bra under the gown so there wasn't any. Gathering the blanket I covered myself.

"Now let's first start with what I meant by how," I said clearing my throat. "How did you come to know I was pregnant because I seriously have no memory of taking a test? Above all, I remember taking my pills regularly not a fucking day was missed." Looking at him I waited for an answer. He leaned back in his chair as if this was nothing but a normal conversation. Wasn't this man a bit damn worried?

"you fainted when you saw that Natalia has shot Claire down. The doctor had come up for that wound in your arm. The bullet has grazed you but it still was bleeding. I had asked him to run an all-over blood test on you for everything." He told me with seriousness. "I wasn't sure with what was happening with you making such reckless decisions, I just wanted to check that you weren't on any kind of drugs." I just glared at him. Really drugs when the hell had I done it. Even not when Natalia had offered me. I didn't want to call out the monster out of him letting this information out that Natalia was a serious user for some stuff though not heavy.

"I didn't know he was going to run a pregnancy one as well. Zach just handed me the report right now so I'm in as much shock as you are in." He didn't look like he was in shock.

I was pregnant, but I had never missed a pill ever since I was with him. Not even on the day I didn't feel well. How the hell was I pregnant then?

"I will get it checked myself," he gave me a raised brow at this. "Just to know how many weeks or days I'm along," I explained with a not-so-happy smile on my face.

"Let's get back to the point now, Valencia." His voice was serious with the words and looks. "I need you to get over this notation of yours for this revenge of yours. I can't handle it any longer."

"We have everything what else do you desire and why. Try to explain me for once so I could do everything possible in my hands to wind this up. I can't stay here always and neither can you. Natalia is here too and as much as we both know she won't leave until you do. Claire had shot you and have you thought what would happen if we had been late?" His words made me realize that I hadn't thought about Claire.

"Where is Claire? How is she? Dead or Alive?" I fired the questions rapidly.

"She is medicated, unconscious but alive. Unlike you, she wasn't lucky. The bullet passed through her leg. There is a doctor in her care and all the medical equipment we could have here. I couldn't have taken the risk of taking her to the hospital. Really not in the mood of getting in with the police." I gave him a raised brow at his comment not wanting to get with the police. he was the one of those who literally had connections overall.

"I have something else planned on and with the way, Claire is I don't think she would keep herself quiet. Let me handle this my way." He assured me but I didn't know anything about his way. Deep down I know that somewhere his way of handling things wasn't really I could digest. His hands were indirectly colored in the blood of many. If I started to look into it I would either be scared to my wits or become just like him.

"How long I had been out for?" I knew I was sleeping for long.

"Around four hours." I nodded to him. My mind running with a million questions. First about my pregnancy, then Demyan, Claire. A lot was going in my mind.

"Stop distracting me and answer my why's." He told me as he moved the chair closer to where I was.

"We have got everything they have ever owned. Everyone is in their place but you are still not over this revenge of yours. What is that you haven't avenged till yet?" His words made me look away from him. I still couldn't avenge him.

"Tell me please Valencia what is it. Let me sort this for you." he pleads moving closer to hold my hand.

"I don't think I have still avenged him." His hold on my hand got tighter. "My first child, a child with Alexandro. I still haven't avenged him because to this date I don't know who was the one here who even after knowing the truth hadn't helped me. That person knew I was pregnant and still never came. That is why I want to destroy them all until they feel scared of each other and every other person they see. Even if I have to kill that person with my own hands just to give the satisfaction of having avenged him."

Writer's Note

Any guesses who this person might have been?

What do you think there is in for Claire?

Valencia seems so unsure about the pregnancy.

Do you think she is getting a hint of who Demyan and Natalia really are?

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